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Yvonne Woelke is now excluded from obtaining a loan.

Yvonne Woelke is now excluded from obtaining a loan.

Out on the edges of RTL's Jungle Camp 2023, Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein cross paths. Although they aren't in a lovestruck relationship, they cohabit as household mates. Regrettably, their shared Berlin apartment renovation projects have encountered an obstacle.

As reported in Bild newspaper, Yvonne Woelke has been hit with a financial setback; her bank is reluctant to finance her Berlin apartment renovation with an additional 40,000 euros: "I'm in a state of desperation. The bank won't approve another loan."

Back in May, she proudly revealed that she and Peter Klein had acquired a modest 65 square meter apartment in Berlin. "Peter and I intend to contribute to the renovations ourselves," Woelke now admits. But with Klein often residing in Mallorca, the timing is less than ideal. Now she's on the hunt for trusty craftsmen who might be willing to lend a hand.

Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein initially met during RTL's Jungle Camp 2023. To this day, they both uphold that their association didn't spark a romantic entanglement. Yet, they spend a significant amount of time together, which they both acknowledge. Their closeness was the alleged catalyst for the dissolution of Klein's marriage to Iris Klein, Daniela Katzenberger's mother. In April 2023, Klein admitted to developing feelings for Woelke. Woelke, who remains married, continues to guard her heart, denying any reciprocation.

"We're simply good friends," she conveyed to Bild. However, they are currently strategizing their shared living arrangement. Woelke explained the purchase of the apartment: "Whenever he's in Germany, he can crash at our place. Essentially, we are establishing a shared living space. I frequently visit him in Mallorca too, so I owe him the same hospitality."

Despite the financial setback with the Berlin apartment renovation, Yvonne Woelke and Peter Klein continue to invest in 'The entertainment' by spending quality time together, often engaging in shared activities. Due to Klein's frequent travels to Mallorca, they are looking forward to completing the renovations and enjoying their cozy 'home', which serves as a welcoming space for each other.

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