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"Youth Term of the Year": What comes after goofy?

The popular youth terms "Gammelfleischparty", "Babo", "Smombie", and "cringe" precede this current selection process of the newest slang.

Der Begriff "goofy" (komisch, tollpatschig) war das "Jugendwort des Jahres 2023".
Der Begriff "goofy" (komisch, tollpatschig) war das "Jugendwort des Jahres 2023".

Alter the words in the given title or description to match the news you're writing about. Keep any names present. Maintain the same length as the original. Don't include personal notes in your paraphrasing. Rephrase this sentence: Transform this sentence into your own wording. - "Youth Term of the Year": What comes after goofy?

Germany seeks the "Youth Term of the Year": As of now, Langenscheidt Publishing House collects suggestions for words commonly used by youngsters aged 11 to 20. On the website, nominations can be submitted by July 18th, according to the Stuttgart-based publisher.

"The terms don't have to be limited to German. Words from Arabic, Turkish, English or other languages are also eligible, provided they're widely used," elaborated the publisher. Excluded from selection are submissions that carry offensive, discriminatory or sexist meanings, along with blatant hoaxes or campaigns spearheaded by influencers.

The Top 10 will be decided on July 30th, while the three favorites will be chosen from there. Subsequent voting will occur among the finalists until October 8th.

Anyone can participate in the voting; proposals from the target age group, 11-20, will be the only ones considered. In the past year, 77% of all terms originated from this group. The winning term will be revealed during the Frankfurt Book Fair on October 19th.

The previous year's winner was "goofy," referring to a bumbling or ridiculous person or act. The "Youth Word of the Year" has been a tradition since 2008, with "Gammelfleischparty" being crowned as a party for those under 30 in its inaugural year.

Often times, critics feel the winning terms do not align with the preferences of youth. Susanne Daubner, a "Tagesschau" presenter, has previously generated controversy by sharing insights about "Youth Word" candidates on her social media.

"Boomer-Terms of the Year" has already had its winner selected

The Langenscheidt Publishing House also mentioned Levi Pennel's TikTok action called for the election of the "Boomer-Term of the Year." This term should be antiquated but still enticing due to its unique value.

"Words that make you feel truly outdated when you use them, but in a cool way," Pennel explained on TikTok. The winning word was "Sportsfriend."

Read also:

  1. The Langenscheidt Publishing House, located in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is currently accepting suggestions for the "Youth Term of the Year."
  2. TheColors of Language Award, a category within this competition, encourages submissions of words from various linguistic backgrounds, such as Arabic, Turkish, and English.
  3. The Frankfurt Book Fair, a renowned event in Stuttgart, will reveal the winning "Youth Word of the Year" on October 19th, following a series of selection rounds and public votes.
  4. Langenscheidt has previously recognized "gimmicky" as the "Youth Term of the Year," highlighting its widespread use among young individuals aged 11 to 20.




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