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Your daughter Jada is in the hospital

Daniela Buchen worries about her daughter Jada: She had to spend the night at the hospital.

Daniela Buenchen worries about her daughter Jada.
Daniela Buenchen worries about her daughter Jada.

Daniela Buchel worries - Your daughter Jada is in the hospital

Their family's health is a top priority for Reality-Star Daniela Buchner (46) - especially since her husband Jens Buchner (1969-2018) passed away from cancer a few years ago. Now, Daniela must concern herself with the health of her daughter Jada Karabas (19): Her second youngest daughter is in the hospital.

Daughter had to stay overnight in the hospital

In an Instagram Story, Daniela posted at 1:22 am on Wednesday (24. July) for her followers and followers, "When your daughter has to stay in the hospital." She added two sad emojis to the photo of an arm with an IV.

The next day, she explained that her daughter had been dealing with health issues for several days and was now being treated in a clinic. The situation is evidently difficult for her: "I haven't slept much because my daughter isn't doing well," Buchner said. "No matter how old the Children are, you really worry a lot."

It's unclear what Jada is missing. "A specialist is coming today to check," she added. She then shared a Story featuring the two youngest children of the family, the twins Diego and Jenna (8), in a parking lot, tagged daughter Jada, and wrote, "On the way to you." Daughter Jada, who comes from Buchner's first marriage to Yilmaz Karabas and was born in 1999, also posted a brief message on Instagram.

Five children from two marriages

Daniela Buchner is the mother of five children: From her 1999 marriage to her childhood sweetheart Yilmaz Karabas, she has daughter Jada, born in 1999, and son Volkan, born in 2002. She divorced Karabas in 2007, and her ex-husband died in 2009.

In 2015, Daniela Buchner moved to Mallorca with her partner Jens Buchner and has been appearing on the Vox show "Goodbye Germany! The Emigrants" since then. In 2016, they became parents of twins. In November 2018, Jens Buchner died from the consequences of lung cancer.

  1. Despite her concern for Jada's health in the hospital, Daniela Buchner found time to share a story on Instagram featuring her youngest twins, Diego and Jenna.
  2. Jens Büchner, Daniela Buchner's late husband, passed away in Mallorca in 2018 due to lung cancer, leaving Daniela to raise their twins and her children from her previous marriage.
  3. Daniela Buchner's daughter Jada, born in 1999 from her marriage to Yilmaz Karabas, now shares her family with her mother and the twins Diego and Jenna, born in 2016 to Daniela and her late husband Jens.
  4. Daniela Buchner's worry for her daughter Jada in the hospital has been evident in her lack of sleep, as she expressed, "No matter how old the children are, you really worry a lot."
  5. Jens Büchner and Daniela Buchner's coexistence in Mallorca was characterized by their love and the addition of the twins to their family, until Jens' untimely death.

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