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Woman married as a child executed for murdering husband in Iran

Judgment enforced

Woman married as a child executed for murdering husband in
Woman married as a child executed for murdering husband in

Woman married as a child executed for murdering husband in Iran

According to activists, a woman has been executed in Iran for allegedly killing her husband, to whom she was married at the age of 15. The death sentence against Samira Sabsian, who has been imprisoned for ten years, was carried out early Wednesday morning in Ghesel Hesar Prison in the city of Karaj, according to the Oslo-based human rights organization Iran Human Rights (IHR). Human rights activists and the British government had previously called on Tehran not to execute the young woman.

According to the IHR, Sabsian was arrested at the age of 19 for the alleged murder of her husband and sentenced to death. According to her relatives, the young woman was a victim of domestic violence during her marriage. Sabsian was not allowed to see her two children since her arrest until a final meeting this month.

"Samira was a victim of child marriage and domestic violence, and today she has fallen victim to the killing machinery of the incompetent and corrupt regime," said IHR director Mahmud-Amiri Moghaddam. According to the IHR, 18 women have already been executed since the beginning of the year.

Human rights organizations have expressed alarm at the increase in executions in Iran this year. According to Amnesty International, at least 115 death sentences were carried out in November alone.

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