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UN vote urges Israel to ceasefire

Two months after the bloody Hamas attack on Israel and the start of retaliatory strikes, the warnings to the Netanyahu government are getting louder - including from Washington. The news at a glance.

Israeli soldiers move to an assembly point near the border with the Gaza Strip.
Israeli soldiers move to an assembly point near the border with the Gaza Strip.

Gaza war - UN vote urges Israel to ceasefire

Israel is losing international support for its war against the terrorist organization Hamas in view of the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip. At the UN General Assembly, more than 150 countries demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, which Israel indignantly rejected.

Germany abstained, and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz reaffirmed Israel's right to defend itself on Wednesday. At the same time, the SPD politician called for a "viable security order" with a two-state solution after the war.

The Gaza war was triggered by the massacre carried out by terrorists from Hamas and other extremist groups in Israel on October 7. More than 1,200 people were killed on the Israeli side. Israel then launched a counter-offensive to destroy Hamas. According to UN figures, more than 37,000 buildings in the Gaza Strip have now been damaged or destroyed. The Hamas health authority speaks of more than 18,600 dead and 50,000 injured.

Israel's army reported on Wednesday that it had attacked more than 250 positions in the Gaza Strip the day before alone. Soldiers had carried out "precise attacks on terror targets" from the air, on the ground and from the sea. Extremist Palestinians again attacked Israel with rockets. According to the army, there were rocket alerts in border towns near the Gaza Strip.

According to the army, 115 military personnel have been killed on the Israeli side so far. In the north of the Gaza Strip, nine Israeli soldiers died when their unit was ambushed, according to the army. It was the heaviest loss for the army in a single battle since the start of the ground offensive.

Germany resumes development aid for Palestinians

According to UN organizations, the situation for civilians in the Gaza Strip is catastrophic. Aid workers warn that people are barely able to receive supplies or medical treatment. The German government has announced that it will resume development cooperation with the Palestinian territories, which was suspended following the Hamas attack. This is an important signal, among other things to alleviate the suffering of the people in the Gaza Strip, it said.

According to dpa, the Bundeswehr also plans to fly several tons of medical equipment and relief supplies to Egypt to help patients from the Gaza Strip. Among other things, ventilators and incubators for babies will be brought.

Israel rejects UN decision

Against the backdrop of the hardship in the Gaza Strip, Egypt brought the demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to the United Nations General Assembly. The vote in favor of the non-binding resolution on Tuesday evening was significantly higher than a similar vote a few weeks ago.

153 countries voted in favor. 10 voted against - in addition to Israel, the USA, Austria and the Czech Republic, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Guatemala and Liberia also voted against. 23 countries abstained, including Germany, the UK and Italy.

According to the Federal Foreign Office, Germany did not vote in favor because the resolution does not explicitly mention the Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7. Nevertheless, it pointed out to Israel "that the suffering of civilians in Gaza is unbearable".

Israel indignantly rejected the UN resolution. "Hamas has committed terrible crimes and those who support a ceasefire are enabling Hamas to continue to survive and commit more atrocities," said Israeli UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan.

Biden's warning ever clearer

Although the USA voted with Israel in the General Assembly, President Joe Biden is increasingly admonishing. Biden said of Israel's head of government Benjamin Netanyahu: "I think he has to change, and with this government, this government in Israel, it's made very difficult for him to move." Netanyahu's government is the "most conservative government in the history of Israel". It does not want a two-state solution.

Biden pointed to the crumbling international support. Israel is supported by the European Union and most of the world, but is beginning to lose support due to its "indiscriminate bombing". Biden's National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan plans to travel to Israel on Thursday and once again call for civilian lives to be protected and more humanitarian aid to be provided.

Concern about Hamas hostages

At home, Netanyahu is under pressure to do more to secure the release of the hostages abducted by Palestinian terrorists on October 7. Hundreds of people demonstrated in Jerusalem for a new agreement with Hamas, as reported by Israeli media. In a first deal with Hamas, 105 hostages were recently released. According to the Israeli army, 135 people kidnapped from Israel are still being held in the Gaza Strip.

The fate of the hostages is also likely to play a role in Israel's plans to flood Hamas' extensive tunnels under the Gaza Strip with seawater and thus destroy them. The army assumes that hostages are being held in the tunnels.

Nevertheless, according to reports in the US media, the armed forces are now testing this option. Seawater is being pumped into some tunnels to find out whether the method is suitable for destroying the underground system, reported the US television station CNN and the newspaper "The Wall Street Journal".

Söder on a trip to Israel

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) wants to set an example with a two-day visit to Israel. "We are showing solidarity with Israel. We are showing solidarity with Jewish life," said Söder in Munich. "Of course, we also sympathize with the people in the Gaza Strip, with the civilian victims," he added. "Nevertheless, we believe that Israel has a right to self-defense and that it is necessary to focus on security now." His trip was intended to show this.

Read also:

  1. During the UN General Assembly, Germany abstained from voting on a resolution urging a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip due to the absence of mentioning the Hamas massacre in Israel.
  2. Markus Söder, the Prime Minister of Bavaria (CSU), is planning a two-day visit to Israel to show solidarity with Israel and Jewish life, while sympathizing with the civilian victims in the Gaza Strip.
  3. The United Nations General Assembly witnessed a significant majority of 153 countries voting in favor of an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, which Israel indignantly rejected.
  4. Jerusalem witnessed protests demanding a new agreement with Hamas to secure the release of the hostages abducted by Palestinian terrorists on October 7.
  5. The German government will resume development aid to the Palestinian territories, which was suspended following the Hamas attack, as a signal to alleviate the suffering of the people in the Gaza Strip.
  6. President Joe Biden of the USA is increasingly admonishing Israel's head of government Benjamin Netanyahu for the loss of international support due to Israel's "indiscriminate bombing."
  7. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is scheduled to travel to Israel on Thursday to call for civilian lives to be protected and more humanitarian aid to be provided.
  8. Egypt brought the demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire to the General Assembly, with 153 countries voting in favor, 10 against, and 23 abstentions, including Germany.
  9. The USA, along with Israel, Austria, and the Czech Republic, among others, voted against the resolution due to its lack of mention of the Hamas massacre in Israel.
  10. Amid the Gaza war, more than 1,200 people were killed on the Israeli side, and Hamas reported over 18,600 dead and 50,000 injured.
  11. The German Bundeswehr plans to transport several tons of medical equipment and relief supplies to Egypt to help patients from the Gaza Strip, including ventilators and incubators for babies.
  12. The search for a viable security order with a two-state solution is essential, according to the SPD politician Olaf Scholz, but Israel has the right to defend itself in the conflict with Hamas.
  13. Israel's army reported over 250 attacks on positions in the Gaza Strip the previous day, targeting terror groups and continuing the counter-offensive to destroy Hamas.
  14. Harakat el-Mukawame el-Islamije, an extreme Palestinian group, launched rocket attacks on Israel from the Gaza Strip, resulting in rocket alerts in border towns near the Gaza Strip.


