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With the Lambo to the cow pasture

"Farmer seeks wife"

With all due respect - the car comes first: Suckler cow farmer
With all due respect - the car comes first: Suckler cow farmer

With the Lambo to the cow pasture

It remains exciting on the "Bauer sucht Frau" farms! Dairy farmer Steffen picks up his farm lady from the station in a Lamborghini. Colleague Patrick and Sarina make out under water. And horse fan Hans opens the door to his heart for Elke.

When the farm ladies and farm boys meet their farmers at the start of the farm week, a coach, tractor or combine harvester is usually waiting in the station parking lot. Suckler cow farmer Steffen is a little out of the ordinary. Instead of picking up his lady-in-waiting Kathrin in a conventional vehicle, the trained butcher prefers to drive up in his Lamborghini. "I've been saving for this car for ten years," explains the farmer proudly.

Well, if only he had saved up for a station wagon for his happy love, because as soon as the farmer, his new flame and her suitcase arrive at the station parking lot, it becomes clear that this trunk can only hold a bottle of champagne and a bouquet of flowers. But the suitcase drama ("I'll take the suitcase away first and then pick you up again in a moment!") is not the only embarrassment of the day. Arriving at the farm, the visibly disappointed lady-in-waiting finds a battlefield of clothes and a bleak sleeping area, including a folding table and plastic cups. Dear Kathrin, welcome to "Bauer sucht Frau"!

"I would like to share my life with you!"

A few kilometers further south of Steffen's farm, another farmer shows what needs to be done to ensure that the lady of the farm wants for nothing. Early in the morning, sheep farmer Hannes impresses his Jenny with his power and stamina. Jenny can barely keep up with her prince charming as she jogs along the mountain pastures with the sheep in tow. A little later, the blond sunny boy flexes his muscles in the hayloft. As a reward, Jenny gives him a tender kiss.

There is also kissing and cuddling with master horse farmer Hans and dairy farmer Patrick. While the former opens his heart to his farm lady ("I'd like to share my life with you!"), cow expert Patrick pulls out all the flirting stops in the neighbor's pool. Sarina and Patrick's hearts skip a beat as they make out underwater: "It was pretty sizzling!" admits Sarina.

The events on the farms of poultry farmer Stefanie and Highland cattle farmer Christoph are somewhere between a first approach and a love breakthrough. The metal farmer from the far north and his now-returned Lisa (Christoph's farm lady had to interrupt the farm week due to university exams) are always looking to get closer to each other. As they exchange tines at the hay tedder, the two look deep into each other's eyes. The first kiss is not far away.

Cheesecake from the microwave

Chicken friend Stefanie and miner Timo are also getting closer and closer. The man with the Playmobil hairstyle and the social streak ("I'm involved in food sharing") scores points not only with his views and values, but also with his work skills.

On the agricultural estate of hobby farmer and horse lover Dietrich-Max-Helmut, farm lady Susanne is particularly amazed at the relationship between the hoofed animals and the farm owner: "They obey your every word!" says Susanne, as the farmer leads his four horses on a lead across the road to the paddock. When the pensioner gives the command, the horses sprint blissfully towards the horizon - a picture that brings tears of joy to the farmer's eyes every day. It remains to be seen whether the lady of the farm will get wet eyes when she thinks of Dietrich-Max-Helmut. Despite the promise of microwave cheesecake and lots of fun between the kitchen and the barn, Susanne's spark has yet to really ignite.

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