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With the kings through the shopping jungle

Jungle camp meets "Shopping Queen": In a special episode in January, five jungle kings accompany the candidates on their shopping trip.

Jenny Frankhauser helps contestant Rebecca to put together her perfect "jungle look"
Jenny Frankhauser helps contestant Rebecca to put together her perfect "jungle look"

"Shopping Queen Special" - With the kings through the shopping jungle

There's jungle fever on TV in January: To coincide with the new edition of "Ich bin ein Star- Holt mich hier raus", there will be a special edition of the popular TV format"Shopping Queen" with Guido Maria Kretschmer (58) on VOX and RTL+. Under the motto "Stylish Safari - Create a fashionable jungle look with your royal companion!", five candidates will face the shopping challenge in Frankfurt. They will be supported by real jungle kings and queens.

These jungle kings and queens help with the shopping

Which famous faces from the jungle are going on a shopping safari? The contestants Rebecca, Jessica, Mercy, Lisa and Ramona will be supported in the challenge by Jenny Frankhauser (31), Evelyn Burdecki (35), Prince Damien (33), Djamila Rowe (56) and Ross Antony (49). Together they have to put together a stylish outfit with the theme "jungle look".

Ross Antony won the title in jungle camp season three (2008), Jenny Frankhauser in season 12 (2018), Evelyn Burdecki a year later (2019). Prince Damian followed her to the throne in 2020 and Djamila Rowe took the title in 2023.

The new "Shopping Queen Special" episodes will run from January 15 to January 19, 2024 at 3 p.m. on VOX and are also available to stream via RTL +.

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