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With closest friends in Tyrol

Musician Heino celebrates his 85th birthday in Tyrol. It is the first birthday without his wife Hannelore, who passed away in November.

Heino celebrates his first birthday without
Heino celebrates his first birthday without

Heino celebrates his 85th birthday - With closest friends in Tyrol

Folk music legend Heino is celebrating his first birthday today, Wednesday, without his wife of many years, Hannelore (1942-2023). As reported by "", the Düsseldorf native is celebrating his 85th birthday with "his closest friends" and "without much ChiChi" in Kitzbühel in Tyrol. His manager is also there. "He is doing well under the circumstances", but of course Heino will be celebrating "with mixed feelings", Helmut Werner told the Austrian newspaper.

One day before his birthday, Heino was delighted to receive a visit from his Stoakogler musician colleagues in Graz. A group photo on his Instagram channel reads: "THANK YOU to the Stoanis! You were the first friendly music colleagues not to miss the opportunity to support Heino in his difficult time! In Graz-Mariatrost, Austria, the 'kings of folk music', together with their wives, listened to our church concert [...]"

Hannelore died five weeks ago

Hannelore Kramm died on November 8 at the age of 82 at her home in Kitzbühel. The couple had been married for 44 years and were almost inseparable. However, the singer was unable to be with his beloved wife in her final hours. The terrible news reached Heino while he was recording a TV show in Berlin.

A week later, Hannelore's death was made public. "Heino and all of us are in deep mourning," his manager explained at the time. He also explained why the death was only announced now: "It was Heino's express wish to be able to say goodbye to his beloved wife in silence." Hannelore had suffered a so-called instantaneous death due to sudden cardiac arrest. Heino consoled himself with the fact that she did not have to suffer any pain.

The couple met in 1972 at the Miss Austria competition in Kitzbühel, followed by their wedding in 1979. It was Heino's third marriage. Hannelore accompanied him to many appointments and appearances. They have no children together.

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