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Wife Annika does not give up hope

Heinz Hoenig's wife does not give up hope that he can come home soon. She thanks, on his behalf, all the supporters.

Heinz Hoenig and wife Annika Kaoden-Hoenig at the beginning of the year 2024 at the airport, as...
Heinz Hoenig and wife Annika Kaoden-Hoenig at the beginning of the year 2024 at the airport, as part of his participation in the RTL format 'I'm a Star - Get me out of here'.

Heinz Hoenig - Wife Annika does not give up hope

His family is not giving up hope that Heinz Hoenig (72) will soon be able to come home. As his wife Annika Kärsten-Hoenig (39) revealed in a conversation with the "Bild"-Newspaper, there is currently a small bright spot in Heinz's health crisis: "Heinz is awake and fully oriented. He is being weaned off the ventilator", so the 39-year-old, who has two small children with the actor. This weaning process is "a longer process, during which it cannot be determined how long it will last. And only then will the next steps follow, also regarding the aorta surgery."

Hoenig underwent surgery on his esophagus in mid-May, and since then his breathing has been supported by a ventilator. He is currently waiting for a second heart surgery, which can only take place when he is able to breathe on his own again. In order to be there for her husband, Kärsten-Hoenig has moved with their two sons Juliano (3) and Jianni (1) prematurely into a small apartment in Berlin. The family usually lives in Blankenburg in Saxony-Anhalt.

Hope to be back home soon

She has developed a small ritual to keep hope alive: "to be able to be back home in the Harz region and enjoy a little peace as a family." This allows her to endure this "exceptional situation" momentarily. Every morning she sings the song "Good Day, Dear Luck" by Lea and Max Raabe to her husband with slightly altered lyrics: "'Today is a good day, to be happy. If luck is at the door, then let it in.' And then 'Good morning, my dear, it's nice to see you. You and I, we will soon go home'."

Thank you to all supporters

Furthermore, she would like to thank "in Heinz's name all supporters of the fundraising campaigns and the people who volunteer for us" according to Kärsten-Hoenig. "To know that so many people are thinking of us gives us unlikely strength and confidence."

Since Hoenig is not insured, he will have to pay all the bills that arise from his hospital stay himself in the end. All costs incurred so far have been transparently listed in the online fundraising campaign. At the moment, a total of 177,275 Euro (as of 25th July 2024) has been collected. The fundraising goal is 500,000 Euro.

  1. Despite living temporarily in Berlin due to Heinz's health situation, Annika Kärsten-Hoenig finds solace in her hope to return home to the Harz region soon.
  2. Max Raabe's song "Good Day, Dear Luck" has become a special routine for Annika, as she sings it daily to her husband, altering the lyrics to express their desire to return home to their family in Harz.
  3. Annika Kärsten-Hoenig, wife of Heinz Hoenig and mother of two young children, expressed her gratitude towards the supporters of their fundraising campaigns and the volunteers helping them through this difficult time in a conversation with a Picture-Newspaper.
  4. Despite the considerable financial burden of Heinz Hoenig's hospital stays, the family has managed to raise 177,275 Euro through their online fundraising campaign as of July 25th, 2024, with the goal to reach a total of 500,000 Euro.
  5. Heinz Hoenig, currently undergoing treatment in Berlin, was born and raised in the beautiful region of Blankenburg in Saxony-Anhalt, a place where he and his family long to return and enjoy its tranquility together.

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