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Why women are not convincing as Rambo!

Female action heroes

Modern action heroine: Jessica Alba
Modern action heroine: Jessica Alba

Why women are not convincing as Rambo!

Modern Action Heroines: Convincing or Cliché? In the latest ntv-Podcast "Ditt & Datt & Dittrich," the discussion revolves around why Hollywood's attempts to establish actresses like Jessica Alba as action heroines often fall into familiar clichés of the outdated male-dominated industry.

"Action!" They fight on aircraft wings, clear their way through crowds or furnish a dozen men in two minutes despite their small body size and slender figure: modern action heroines.

In recent years, Hollywood has tried to redefine the image of the female action hero. However, creatives often stumble into worn-out clichés of the outdated male domain. A prime example is the current action flick "Trigger Warning" with Jessica Alba.

Of course, women can be fantastic agents and fighters, but why the new female Rambo versions leave many critics reaching for the palm, is the topic of the latest episode of the ntv-Podcast "Ditt & Datt & Dittrich."

Despite Hollywood's efforts to revolutionize the role of action heroines, many movies still lean on outdated tropes. Jessica Alba's character in "Trigger Warning" is a prime example of this issue.

In striving to present captivating action movies, Hollywood continues to struggle with depicting modern action heroines without resorting to Hollywood clichés.

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