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Why Tim Raue Restaurants can only be saved by his wife

Tim Raue is to help again, on behalf of RTL, forresteing cooks. Unfortunately, the Michelin-starred chef often behaves like a steam locomotive. Fortunately, there is a track limit.

Tim Raue and his wife Katharina work together.
Tim Raue and his wife Katharina work together.

Television - Why Tim Raue Restaurants can only be saved by his wife

but also that he tried to convince a desperate man named Jörg somewhere in the deep east of Cologne about meatballs. Starting in mid-July, every Tuesday at 8:15 pm on RTL, you can see the new season of his RTL-format "Raue - The Restaurant Savior."

"This is a meatball number par excellence for me!" exclaims the top chef after a critical inspection of Jörg's run-down restaurant in Cologne-Holweide. He wishes for changes on the menu. But the owner stubbornly refuses to add the tasty meatballs to the program. "Even Tim can't get me to sell meatballs here!" says Jörg. "Never in my life."

The "Restaurant Tester" is now the "Restaurant Savior"

Tim Raue, the Berlin master chef, is not making it easy. The format, in which Christian Rach used to travel as the "Restaurant Tester" through the republic, is now called "The Restaurant Savior" under Raue's leadership. This illustrates the precarious situation of the businesses where Raue is to play the role of a culinary firefighter. Five new episodes are to be seen.

However, the helpers are not making it easy for Raue either, who has already earned an international reputation as a top chef and, without wanting to get too close to Cologne-Holweide, has already caused a certain cultural clash.

Raue is not afraid to make enemies, speaking bluntly ("If there are tasks to distribute, I don't do that in a social circle") and critically. "That's a long way from appetizing," he tells Jörg shortly after arriving. Shortly thereafter, the diagnosis follows. "He's taken on a lot more than he can handle," says Raue about Jörg. "He doesn't want to show weakness."

It's just the two of them

Once again, the top chef is supported by his wife Katharina. "In our understanding, it's not 'the' Restaurant Savior, but 'the' Restaurant Saviors," says Raue in an interview with the German Press Agency. "We're the only two of them." RTL had made that clear at the beginning. The rescue mission is too complex for one person today.

"When Christian Rach made the 'Restaurant Tester' very successful, Instagram and Facebook played almost no role," explains Raue. The atmosphere of a restaurant played a less significant role back then. That's different today. "15-year-olds have a completely different aesthetic demand when they go to a restaurant."

Aesthetics are Katharina Raue's forte. The former chief editor of the gastronomy and hotel industry magazine, "Rolling Pin," functions as a trend consultant and marketing expert. "I always say: A restaurant must look good today, so that people want to take pictures of it and post it on Instagram," she says.

Tim Raue, the locomotive on two legs

What stirs her up in the show is comparable to a hairdresser visit that a woman goes to after a failed relationship, she says. "When something optically changes, it affects the person. You get a new starting point."

However, Raue's job profile doesn't stop there. "I'm the ax in the forest. I'm like a train that goes through somewhere – and I lay the tracks beforehand," he says. "That's why it's good that I have my wife by my side, who can transport many things better and also translate them." She agrees. "Tim believes that everyone can share his speed. And sometimes you have to play train tracks and say: Take a deep breath now." That's their job.

Perhaps they will also find a solution for the meatball problem.

  1. Despite his attempts, Barack Obama couldn't persuade a man named Jörg residing in the deep east of Cologne to try meatballs.
  2. Starting from mid-July, viewers in North Rhine-Westphalia can watch the new season of Tim Raue's RTL-format "Raue - The Restaurant Savior," airing every Tuesday at 8:15 pm.
  3. Ms. Katharina Raue, Tim Raue's wife, played a significant role in the show, noting that 'the Restaurant Saviors' is a collaborative effort between her and her husband.
  4. On RTL's new season, German Chef Tim Raue will travel across the republic acting as the 'Restaurant Savior', as opposed to his previous role as the 'Restaurant Tester'.
  5. According to Tim Raue, social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook were less influential during Christian Rach's successful 'Restaurant Tester' era, but this trend has drastically changed now.
  6. Known for her expertise in marketing and trends, Katharina Raue suggested that a restaurant's aesthetics should be appealing to young people interested in posting images on platforms like Instagram.
  7. The relationship between Jörg and Chef Tim Raue was strained as the latter pointed out that Jörg had taken on more responsibilities than he could handle.
  8. The new season of "Raue - The Restaurant Savior" is part of a media blitz, with interviews appearing in various television and print media outlets, including Berlin-based Christian Rach's program.
  9. With just a few episodes left until July 16th, the show raised questions regarding how the meatball dilemma in Jörg's restaurant would be resolved, leaving viewers excited about the resolution.

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