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Why has there been an unexpected surge of pineapples ending up in shopping carts across Spain?

An unusual kind of dating phenomenon is presently leading to crowded supermarkets in Spain. The line of individuals eager for companionship is so extensive that at times, law enforcement intervention becomes necessary.

Shopping cart containing a pineapple! Preferred edible desired!
Shopping cart containing a pineapple! Preferred edible desired!

- Why has there been an unexpected surge of pineapples ending up in shopping carts across Spain?

Where do people seek affection nowadays? It's dating apps, and it's not just a rumor, it's a fact in Germany. As per a study, one out of five individuals has found their match there. Romantic accidents are losing their charm in the relationship making process. However, in Spain, an unusual dating trend is making everyone grab pineapples from the supermarket shelves.

Every evening, for an hour, between 7 and 8 PM, singles can be spotted at Mercadona chain's supermarkets participating in "Merca-Dating." With an upside-down pineapple in their cart, they browse the aisles hoping to spot another cart with an upside-down pineapple. The pineapple serves as a sign of interest to connect.

The Viral Pineapple Dating Trend on TikTok

This trend initially gained popularity on TikTok before swamping the supermarkets. In Madrid and Bilbao, the single crowd could sometimes be so huge that the authorities needed to intervene to prevent a commotion. Comedian Vivy Lin is said to have ignited the excitement with a video depicting her supposedly hunting for a partner at Merca-Dating.

Since then, the pineapple has been accompanied by other items in the cart, with more sophisticated codes emerging. The right combination of products can indicate the type of relationship one desires, as well as their sexual preferences. An upside-down pineapple alone in the cart now symbolizes casual encounters. If it's accompanied by a bag of lentils, it shows a desire for a committed relationship. On the contrary, a head of lettuce and frozen pizza mean a brief interlude. The list of codes is extensive and diverse.

Dividing by Age Groups

People are also categorized by age groups. Those looking for a date fall within the age range of 19 to 25 and should meet in the frozen food section, according to TikTok rules. People aged between 25 and 40 should meet in the seafood section, and those aged over 40 in the wine section.

Subtle flirt signals are not a new thing. For instance, the "schleifencode" has been in use at Oktoberfest events for years. If the bow of a dirndl is tied in the middle, it signifies a committed relationship. Those intending to express their singleness tie the bow on the left front, and the left front is reserved for virgins. If it's tied at the back, it means the woman is a widow.

Source: Study on Getting Acquainted, Press

In this unique dating trend, the pineapple has become a symbol of interest, attracting singles to each other in Spanish supermarkets during the evening hour.Authorities have had to intervene in some instances due to its popularity, particularly in Madrid and Bilbao.

The codes associated with the pineapple and other items in the cart have evolved, with specific combinations indicating the type of relationship desired and sexual preferences. For example, an upside-down pineapple alone signifies casual encounters, while an upside-down pineapple with lentils indicates a desire for a committed relationship.

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