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"Storm of Love": Markus (l.) is shocked to realize that Vincent is his
"Storm of Love": Markus (l.) is shocked to realize that Vincent is his

14:10, Das Erste: Red Roses

TV soaps - What's happening in the soaps today

Merle makes it clear to Silvio: she wants to be with him - but not share an apartment with him. His perfectionism is increasingly annoying her. And Ben and Gunter are also annoyed by Silvio's know-it-all attitude. After the wedding is called off, Simon reluctantly finds himself in hospital. Ceyda remains tirelessly at his side, as Doris never misses an opportunity to take money from Simon from the sale of his start-up. As the wait in the emergency room is too long for Simon, he decides to leave the hospital without a diagnosis. Was this a wise decision?

3:10 pm, Das Erste: Storm of Love

Markus is shocked to learn that Vincent is his illegitimate son. Although Vincent obviously wants nothing to do with him, Markus is aware that an unpleasant debate is imminent. Erik is determined to give Yvonne a lavish wedding celebration at any cost, even if he doesn't know how he will manage the high costs. Yvonne also starts dreaming when she discovers a beautiful wedding dress. But then Yvonne suddenly comes to a realization.

17:30, RTL: Among Us

While picking out a wedding dress, Ute asks Britta to be her maid of honor. Whether she trusts the right person remains to be seen. Stella is unsure who to believe after Nika's lie. While Paco breaks off contact with Nika, Patrizia seizes the opportunity to win Stella over. When Bambi accuses Amelie of ingratitude, the relationship crisis between father and daughter reaches its climax. What has become of his princess?

7:05 pm, RTL: Everything that counts

Although Kilian and Justus settle their conflict, they are not yet ready to give up their war against each other. Hanna vehemently resists a new challenge in life. Miray meets an attractive man whom she immediately uses for her own purposes.

7:40 pm, RTL: Good times, bad times

Toni is urgently expecting a parcel. When Alicia misses the parcel carrier in the shared flat, Toni suddenly loses her temper. But why? After Lukas' father turns him down, his potential new foster parents are ready to take him in again. Impressed by Lukas' bravery, they hope he will settle in quickly. But then Lukas returns home with a black eye.

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