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"Everything that counts": Isabelle is irritated when Kilian suddenly stands in front of
"Everything that counts": Isabelle is irritated when Kilian suddenly stands in front of

14:10, Das Erste: Red Roses

TV soaps - What's happening in the soaps today

Ceyda is suspicious: what does Doris want at the wedding? Doris lovingly woos her son and Ceyda is sure that she is not acting without ulterior motives. When she overhears a phone call from Doris and Tobias, the case is clear. Gunter and Carla fall out - both feel that the other has treated them unfairly. Only gradually do they manage to resolve their dispute. Carla decides to take some time out with her son Timo and then calmly discuss the future of the "Carlas" with Gunter.

3:10 pm, Das Erste: Storm of Love

Markus has open ears for Noah, who continues to struggle with whether he should accept the tempting job offer and jeopardize his relationship with Greta. When Markus finally points out to him how important family is, Noah takes offense after Vincent's confession. Theo has found a creative solution to his attention problem that should help him organize his everyday life and work. At first, everything goes smoothly - until Alfons points something out to Theo.

17:30, RTL: Among Us

Stella doesn't know what to make of Nika's scantily clad visit to Paco - until Nika and Patrizia ignite the next stage of their diabolical plan. Britta makes it clear to Ute that Theo is out of the question for her. At the same time, Theo makes a bold decision. Bambi forgets the perfect Christmas present for Amelie on the roof of a customer's car. A sweaty chase through the city begins.

7:05 p.m., RTL: Alles was zählt

Now that Kilian is on the verge of breaking up with Isabelle, nothing can keep him in Essen. Will he dare to make a fresh start? Simone and Richard fear that Kim and Ben will break up with them. Kim chooses a different way to deal with the betrayal. Ava's unconventional training seems to be bearing fruit and Leyla looks forward to the upcoming run with confidence.

7:40 pm, RTL: Good times, bad times

Do Jessica and Philip have their feelings for each other under control? When Philip invites the station staff to the brickwork, the two suddenly find themselves in a romantic situation. Because of his uncle's inheritance, John remembers that he has to tell his family about his moving out. But Laura has also grown very fond of the Bachmann flat share. Will the two of them call off their plans to move?

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