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What Sandra Hüller bought with her first film money

The first real salary is always something special. Actress Hüller knows exactly what she bought with her first film earnings - after all, it's still at home with her.

Sandra Hueller is visible in the comedy 'Two to One' from July 25th (Archival image)
Sandra Hueller is visible in the comedy 'Two to One' from July 25th (Archival image)

people - What Sandra Hüller bought with her first film money

Sandra Hüller ("Anatomy of a Case") wisely spent her first acting fee. "I bought a gray, narrow, very straight sofa with my first film money. That was in 2004 and I still have it," the 46-year-old told the German Press Agency in Berlin. "It's a good-looking sofa still," the internationally sought-after actress, who was nominated for an Oscar as best actress this year, added. "So that was a good investment." Hüller will be seen alongside actors Max Riemelt and Ronald Zehrfeld in the Wendezeitkomödie "Zwei zu Eins" starting Thursday (July 25).

The film by Natja Brunckhorst takes place in Halberstadt in Saxony-Anhalt in the year 1990 and is based on a historical event: After the currency conversion, worthless DDR marks in Halberstadt were stored in a tunnel. The treasure was walled in. Thieves gained illegal access to the tunnel and stole marks.

  1. Sandra Hüller, renowned for her role in "Anatomy of a Case," shares her wise investment with the German Press Agency during a conversation in Berlin.
  2. Despite being a global cinema sensation, Sandra Hüller's first acting fee was used to purchase a durable sofa, a decision she considers a smart investment even today.
  3. In an interview with the German Press Agency, Sandra Hüller, a prominent figure in German cinematography, discussed her frugal spending habits and her long-lasting gray sofa.
  4. The German Press Agency reported on Sandra Hüller's early financial choices and her current affection for a modest yet enduring piece of furniture, purchased with her first film earnings.

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