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What might happen if Palestine is given recognition?

Western states take initiative

In Chan Junis, Palestinians are trying to maintain public life even after an Israeli airstrike.
In Chan Junis, Palestinians are trying to maintain public life even after an Israeli airstrike.

What might happen if Palestine is given recognition?

Norway, Ireland, and Spain have granted Palestine recognition as a sovereign state. The Israeli envoy claims this move is advantageous for Hamas. Is that truly accurate? What do these nations aim to accomplish with this move? Clarifying vital queries.

What's Norway, Ireland, and Spain's objective with their acknowledgment?

Numerous Western nations displayed solidarity with Israel after the Hamas disturbances on October 7th and maintained that Israel has the right to protect itself against Hamas terrorists. However, Israel's military attack is taking a tough toll on civilians - through the campaign, as well as the Gaza Strip's food scarcity.

"Many nations express alarm over an uncontrolled war with no definable target. Additionally, worries exist that Israel has no intention of engaging in a worldwide acceptable political solution for the Gaza Strip that incorporates a political vision for the Palestinians," according to Stephan Stetter, a Middle East specialist from the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich.

Certain sections within the current Israeli government are extremist and nationalist, with Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich and Minister of Security Itamar Ben Gvir consistently advocating expulsion of residents from the Gaza Strip and reinstating Israeli settlements in the region. Ben Gvir claimed revoking Palestinians and erecting Israeli settlements would be a "correct, just, moral, and humane solution" in January.

Stetter stated, "Western nations like Spain, Ireland, and Norway wish to stop such ideas by acknowledging Palestine as a state". They seek to stabilize the situation in the area and maintain the two-state option. Their aim is to ensure Palestinians have a political outlook. "That entails a secure Israel, but also a secure Palestine."

What regions are targeted for this acknowledgment?

This declaration refers to clearly defined regions, specifically the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. These regions, planned for the Palestinians in 1947 as per the UN Partition Plan, would have established their state. Nevertheless, their rejection of this plan resulted in a swift attack by five Arab states following Israel's founding in 1948. Israel won the battle and seized more of the area designated for Palestinian territory. In the 1967 Six-Day War, Israel additionally occupied the entire West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. Not a shred of land remained for Palestinians to exercise state sovereignty.

The Palestinian state was formalized in 1988 within the same Israeli-occupied territory - the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. These nations are now granting Palestine statehood to this occupied land. They aren't endorsing the widespread demand "From the river to the sea," striving to establish a Palestinian state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea and dismantle Israel.

Does recognition of the Palestinian state bolster Hamas?

While the terrorist group aspires for the world to view events this way, their official narratives are merely a facade. Hamas desires to portray its violence as a Palestinian struggle for freedom. Therefore, they must now appear to support this diplomatic milestone in their favor.

However, the reality is different: Hamas intends to eliminate Israel and kill every Jew in their reach. This is asserted in their charter and confirmed through their massacre on October 7th. A peaceful coexistence consisting of two states - one Jewish, another Palestinian - would be detrimental in Hamas' eyes. Consequently, steps that could encourage a peaceful solution between the two sides are considered a risk to Hamas and its objectives.

What does acknowledging Palestine as a state involving?

Palestinians lack the citizenship of a state of Palestine, as recognized by the United Nations (UN), despite the Palestinian National Council proclaiming their own state in 1988. Although the Palestinian state was established, it lacks credibility if significant world powers within the UN decline to accept this statehood. Palestine is now recognized as a state by 143 UN member nations, roughly two-thirds of the total.

The strategy was successful to some degree as the awareness for the standing of Palestine as a nation grew globally. However, crucial European countries and the US, who hold the most impact on Israel, were still stuck in their positions. The objective to persuade Israel to acknowledge the state of Palestine and initiate a fresh unification campaign remained unattained.

Germany, with its history entangled in Jewish-German relations, has been found to have minimal flexibility when dealing with Israel, explains Middle East expert Stetter. Germany's ties to the US, which haven't recognized the Palestinian state as of yet, are another crucial factor to consider.

According to Stetter, the premise that the confronting parties must reach an agreement prior to state recognition isn't inherently false. "This notion is commonly used in several conflicts around the world," elaborates the political scientist. Nevertheless, he also points out, "There are also arguments that acknowledging Palestine doesn't depreciate a peace process, but might serve as a catalyst for the process to begin again." He foresees Germany staying out of recognizing the state of Palestine. Reports about Slovenia and Malta moving forward with this possibility are circulating. In his view, it will be intriguing to see how France behaves in this matter. Being a nuclear power and a veto state in the UN Security Council, France holds considerable geopolitical influence.

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Which United Nations member states have recognized Palestine as a sovereign state along with Norway, Ireland, and Spain?

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