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What does Ted Mosby from 'How I Met Your Mother' do today?

The role of architect Ted Mosby made Josh Radnor globally famous. Since then, the 'How I Met Your Mother'-star explored new paths in art.

Josh Radnor became a star through his role in 'How I Met Your Mother'.
Josh Radnor became a star through his role in 'How I Met Your Mother'.

Josh Radnor will be 50 - What does Ted Mosby from 'How I Met Your Mother' do today?

The sitcom "How I Met Your Mother'" brought Josh Radnor significant success. Ten years have passed since the series ended and with it Radnor's time as Ted Mosby. On July 29, 2024, the actor will turn 50. It seems quiet around him. But as we all know, appearances can be deceiving. Although Radnor is rarely seen on large screens or stages, he is more active on the stage – be it in the theater or at concerts.

Josh Radnor's Love for the Theater

The name Ted Mosby will probably not leave Radnor. For nine seasons, he portrayed the architect who narrates to his children in intricate detail how he met their mother. "It's hard for me to think about my life or my career without this series," he said in February of this year on the US "Today" show, where the focus was actually on his role in the play "The Ally" at the Public Theatre in New York City, where he was to be seen that year. For Radnor, this was a dream come true. He had already dreamed of working there as a student.

After the end of "How I Met Your Mother" in 2014, Radnor appeared in a few other series, such as "Mercy Street," "Rise," and "Hunters." In 2018, he also had a guest appearance on the successful series "Grey's Anatomy." On Broadway, he was also seen in the role of Isaac in the play "Disgraced."

The actor went new ways that led him to music. He might not have made it there without his role in "How I Met Your Mother." The series freed him to be an artist. "I don't know if I would have found my way to music if I hadn't been supported and in some way freed by the series," he said last year in an interview with "".

With Music to Happiness

He came to music with the help of Ben Lee, whom he met on the set of "How I Met Your Mother." The two founded the band Radnor and Lee. At the end of 2023, Radnor released his solo album "Eulogy." He began writing the songs in 2020. The work on the music was a special journey for him. "I started the album with a mixture of sadness and anger, and in the end, I was surprisingly connected to someone," he told "People"-Magazine. He was apparently speaking of Jordana Jacobs, whom he married in January of that year. The couple met during Radnor's work on the album. Many songs are inspired by the relationship.

Even ten years after the end of "How I Met Your Mother," Radnor is still occasionally asked about Ted Mosby. He will probably never be able to let go of this role completely. But he has made peace with it. "I've realized that it's only about making something more. People have no control over how popular things are ... that's not in my hands," the artist said to "Metro."

Radnor's love for the theater led him to dream of performing at the Public Theatre, a dream he realized following the end of "How I Met Your Mother". After his time as Ted Mosby, he had guest roles on shows like "Grey's Anatomy" and Broadway productions like "Disgraced". Radnor's musical journey began with the help of Ben Lee, whom he met on the set of "How I Met Your Mother", leading him to form the band Radnor and Lee and release his solo album "Eulogy". Despite the end of the popular series, Radnor is still occasionally asked about his role as Ted Mosby, a character he has learned to make peace with, understanding that popularity is not within his control.

It is raining cats and dogs.

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