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West calls for an end to settler violence in the West Bank

Terror against Palestinians

An Israeli military vehicle in the West
An Israeli military vehicle in the West

West calls for an end to settler violence in the West Bank

Following the terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7, Jewish settlers in the West Bank are taking revenge. Countries such as the UK, France and the European Union are now calling for an end to the violence. They believe Israel has a duty to act.

Several Western states have called on Israel to put an end to settler violence against Palestinians. Israel must "take concrete measures to stop the unprecedented violence by Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank", according to a joint appeal published by the French Foreign Ministry, among others.

The signatories include Australia, Great Britain, Canada, France and the European Union and several other European countries. Germany and the USA are not named. "We condemn the acts of violence by extremist settlers who terrorize Palestinian communities," it reads. "The increase in violence by extremist settlers against Palestinians is unacceptable." Since the beginning of October, settlers have committed more than 340 attacks, killed eight Palestinian civilians, injured more than 80 and driven around 1,000 Palestinians from their homes.

Israel must protect the Palestinian civilian population in the West Bank, he said. Those responsible must be brought to justice. "We reiterate our position that Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank are illegal under international law and remind Israel of its obligations under international law."

The situation in the West Bank has worsened since the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October and Israel responded with massive airstrikes and a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip. During the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel conquered the West Bank and East Jerusalem, among other territories. Today, the Palestinian Authority administers parts of the West Bank, including larger cities.

Israel has systematically expanded its controversial settlements in the West Bank. The United Nations has classified these settlements as a major obstacle to a peace settlement because they hardly allow any contiguous territory for the Palestinians in a possible two-state solution.

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The international community is urging Israel to halt the escalating violence by Israeli settlers in the Palestinian territories, specifically in the West Bank. The French Foreign Ministry, along with other nations, has issued a declaration condemning the attacks on Palestinians and demanding concrete action to stop Israeli settlement construction, which they believe is a significant hindrance to peace negotiations.


