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We are a professional group ensuring there is a monstrous darkness about Scandals

Oliver von Dobrowolski engages against right-wing extremism as a policeman. About his employer he says: 'One really has to fight. Fight, so as not to break.'

I would also like a proper home. A place where everyone knows me and I feel comfortable. Where I...
I would also like a proper home. A place where everyone knows me and I feel comfortable. Where I can leave for work in the morning without those figurative stomach aches. Oliver von Dobrowolski is 48 and counts the remaining years until retirement.

Police officer Oliver Dobrowolski - We are a professional group ensuring there is a monstrous darkness about Scandals

Berlin Criminal Chief Commissioner Oliver von Dobrowolski was a long-time member of the Greens. Now he is leaving the party because it does not do enough for reforms within the police. In an interview with stern, he says: "This party shirks responsibility when it comes to internal security issues." He is also personally disappointed with the Greens, he says. "I had to endure many hostilities in public and in the police for my political beliefs. I gave a lot to the party but got very little in return," so von Dobrowolski.

Oliver von Dobrowolski: "It wears you down"

The critical commissioner has been fighting against right-wing extremism and police misconduct for years. He advocates for a better error culture. He describes his employer as reluctant to change: "You really have to fight. Fight so you don't break," he says. "That's very difficult. It wears you down. That makes me deeply sad. Because all that I stand for are the guiding principles of every police presidium."

Von Dobrowolski calls for better control of state actions. He says: "We need independent investigations into police misconduct. That cannot be clarified by the police itself." He sees the fight against right-wing networks and abusive violence as hindered by the structures within the police. "Everything that is uncovered is unfortunately only the tip of the iceberg. As policewomen and policemen, we know professionally how to commit crimes undetected. We are, after all, a professional group that ensures that there is a monstrous dark field of scandals," so von Dobrowolski to stern.

Here you can read the entire interview: [Link to the interview]

In light of his experiences with both public hostility and internal politics within the police, von Dobrowolski expressed concerns about the Green Party's handling of right-wing extremism, stating, "I believe they could do more to address this issue effectively." The police chief also highlighted the need for independent investigations into police misconduct, emphasizing, "This is crucial in ensuring transparency and accountability, which right-wing extremist groups often seek to Undermine."

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