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Water damage makes his villa uninhabitable

Land under Bill Kaulitz

Tom (l.) and Bill Kaulitz were in the USA met with a nasty surprise.
Tom (l.) and Bill Kaulitz were in the USA met with a nasty surprise.

Water damage makes his villa uninhabitable

Shock for Tokio Hotel Singer Bill Kaulitz: His House and Recording Studio in Los Angeles Are Under Water. The Water Damage, however, Offers a Chance for a Flirt with a Sexy Handyman.

"It never rains in Southern California," sang Albert Hammond in the 70s. Whether Southern California's supposedly completely rain-free region desired that back then or if climate change is to blame, Bill Kaulitz can currently sing a very different weather song in his adopted homeland. Thanks to persistent rain, the luxury villa and the adjacent recording studio of the Tokio Hotel star are under water. Kaulitz revealed this in a live show of the podcast "Kaulitz Hills - Mustard in Hollywood" in conversation with his brother Tom Kaulitz.

The twins, who have been living in America for years, had just spent a few beautiful vacation days in Europe - together with Tom's wife Heidi Klum. A trip with the famous Orient Express was also on the schedule. But relaxation and luxury were followed by stress and shock upon their return home. They had just "landed back in L.A." when his assistant sent him a video of the destroyed recording studio, explained Tom Kaulitz in the show in Düsseldorf: "Water flooded him in the face from the studio door."

Not only the studio was a victim of the rain, Bill Kaulitz's villa also suffered damage from water and mud. "My assistant told me: 'Bill, you can't go back to your house for the next half year!'", recalled the Tokio Hotel singer with horror. But despite the shock and the fact that he couldn't stand the thought of his destroyed home, Bill Kaulitz tried to focus on damage control: "We got everything out. I spent the whole day taking things out of the studio. I had filled your whole house with things, guitars - everything that could still be saved." Tom Kaulitz admitted that "tears were in my eyes." Currently, the recording studio is not usable and Bill Kaulitz cannot return to his villa for the time being.

However, the water damage had at least brought something good. "I've just had a flirt with his sexy handyman," Bill Kaulitz then revealed in the podcast. He explained, a little ambiguously, that he had a "pipe break."

The ongoing climate change might be causing unexpected weather patterns, as evidenced by the heavy rains in Southern California, traditionally known for its dry weather. This change has unfortunately led to Bill Kaulitz, the singer of Tokio Hotel, dealing with water damage in his luxury villa and recording studio.

In the world of entertainment, music and Hollywood are closely intertwined. The Tokio Hotel star's recording studio being under water is a significant setback for his pop music career, potentially delaying the release of new songs or albums.

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, some silver linings can be found. Heidi Klum, Tom Kaulitz's wife, is a renowned figure in the fashion and entertainment industry, associated with the glamorous world of Hollywood and pop music. Maybe this unforeseen event will also offer an opportunity for some memorable collaboration between Heidi Klum and Bill Kaulitz, in music or another form of entertainment.

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