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"Was very loud": Amira Pocher talks about crisis conversation with still-husband Oliver

He teases, she holds back: the tablecloth between Amira and Oliver Pocher seems to have been cut in two for good. Or is it? In her latest podcast episode, she talks about a crisis meeting with her still-husband.

Amira Pocher and Oliver Pocher have spoken
Amira Pocher and Oliver Pocher have spoken

Podcast "Dear Life" - "Was very loud": Amira Pocher talks about crisis conversation with still-husband Oliver

The Pochers' separation has been dominating headlines and social media for weeks. Oliver Pocher is constantly taking jibes at his wife and mother of two of his children, Amira, on Instagram.

Amira Pocher: Crisis talk with still-husband Oliver

The tablecloth seems to have finally been cut between the former couple. Or is it? In the new episode of her podcast "Liebes Leben", which she hosts with her brother Hima, Amira Pocher reveals new details. She wanted to come to an agreement, she explains, but "you have to get out and move on", says the trained make-up artist.

And so it came to a crisis meeting with her still-husband. Actually, the Pochers are only supposed to discuss things that are absolutely necessary, usually about their children. But now, according to Amira Pocher, they have spoken. "We spoke on the phone a few days ago, Olli and I. It went on for two hours. It was also very emotional, very loud - on my part, of course, I'll be honest," says Amira.

Confident after the interview

After the interview, the presenter is confident about the future. "But that was bitterly necessary! Really bitter, bitter, bitterly necessary. And it was really good for once. I can now talk to him normally again. There were a few open questions, everything was answered. We talked a lot and exchanged ideas. It's okay now. It's really okay. I'm glad they did that. It's not a permanent situation, of course," she says.

What exactly the two of them talked about will probably remain between them. Unless Pocher uses the content of the conversation for his side-swipes on Instagram. Compared to him, Amira Pocher has kept an extremely low profile in recent weeks. She only used her podcast and a few brief interview moments to describe her view of things. It is rather unlikely that Oliver Pocher will soon refrain from the side-swipes. After all, he is going on tour in the new year with his program "Der Liebeskasper" - inspired by his break-up.

The podcast "Liebes Leben" is available exclusively on Podimo

Read also:

  1. Despite the separation being a topic of interest on both traditional media and social platforms like Instagram, Oliver Pocher continues to make comedic remarks about his wife Amira, who is a mother to two of his children.
  2. During a recent episode of her podcast "Liebes Leben," co-hosted with her brother, Amira Pocher discussed having a crisis talk with her still-husband Oliver, emphasizing the need for closure and future normalcy.
  3. In this two-hour emotional conversation, Amira revealed that the talk was loud, particularly on her part, and resulted in some answers to open questions, allowing her to communicate with Oliver more comfortably.
  4. Despite this crisis talk, it remains unclear if Oliver Pocher will refrain from his comedic Instagram attacks, especially since he plans to embark on a comedy tour inspired by his break-up in the new year.




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