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War against Ukraine: this is the situation

At the end of the year, there was another air raid in Ukraine - in addition to firecrackers and banned fireworks, explosions from air defense operations could also be heard in many places. The overview.

Rescue workers are deployed after a Russian missile attack on the center of Kharkiv.
Rescue workers are deployed after a Russian missile attack on the center of Kharkiv.

Russian invasion - War against Ukraine: this is the situation

On New Year's Eve, Russia once again carried out airstrikes in Ukraine. An air alert was triggered throughout the country on Sunday evening after reconnaissance reported the launch of several fighter jets and dozens of combat drones in Russia. Explosions were heard over the capital Kiev and also over Kherson in the south and Kharkiv in the east - mainly from the use of air defense. However, explosions from New Year's Eve rockets and firecrackers also caused unrest - these are actually banned in Ukraine in times of war.

Selensky: A better tomorrow will not come by itself

In his New Year's Eve address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called on his countrymen to shape the New Year according to their own ideas and not to lose sight of the future of their homeland. "We Ukrainians know better than anyone that a better tomorrow does not come by itself, because we defend each of our tomorrows with our own hands," he said in his video address on Telegram on Sunday evening, in which his wife Olena also appeared alongside him. "That's why our new year will be exactly what we want it to be and how we will shape it."

"Ukraine is alive, Ukraine is alive, Ukraine is fighting and fighting," Zelensky said in a speech broadcast later. The fact that Ukraine exists is not a New Year's miracle. "It is not a fairy tale, not magic, but the merit of each and every one of you." At the same time, he thanked the soldiers for their commitment: "You are holding back the evil that has become even greater."

Ukraine will survive the Russian attacks, he said. "And no matter how many missiles the enemy fires, no matter how many shelling and attacks - heinous, ruthless, massive - in an attempt to break us, the Ukrainians, to intimidate us, to crush Ukraine, to drive us underground, we will still rise up," said Zelenskyi. "Because the one who brings hell to our country will one day see it from his own window."

Putin's congratulations to commanders in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin wished his commanders on the various fronts in Ukraine all the best for the New Year. "On the eve of the New Year, the President congratulated the commanders of the army groups," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as saying by the state agency Tass. Earlier, in his New Year's address, Putin had called for the perseverance and unity of the Russians in a difficult situation. "We have shown more than once that we can solve the most difficult tasks and never back down, because there is no force that could divide us," said the Kremlin leader. He did not mention Ukraine at all in his speech.

Kiev's air force chief celebrates defensive successes

Shortly before the arrival of new Russian missiles and drones, Ukrainian air force chief Mykola Oleshchuk praised the number of missiles shot down by his country's air defense system in a review for 2023. In total, 85% of the combat drones and cruise missiles used by the Russian military against targets in Ukraine were shot down. Ballistic missile defense had also become more effective thanks to the Patriot systems delivered at the beginning of 2023. The information could not be independently verified.

"With increasing combat experience and the receipt of additional weapons from partners, air defense became stronger every day," Oleshchuk wrote on Telegram on Sunday evening. "We are waiting for more systems that will be able to intercept ballistic missiles."

The commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, Valery Salushnyi, expects a difficult year. "The year 2024 will not be easy," he said in his New Year's message posted on Telegram. "The fight for freedom and the future of our children continues. I believe that we will pass all trials with dignity and come closer to our victory step by step."

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian General Staff reported a "further difficult situation" on the front lines. However, no major combat operations were noted in the daily front report on Sunday evening. In contrast, the Russian occupying forces reported a "massive attack" on the center of Donetsk in the Donbass. At least four people were killed in the shelling on New Year's Eve and 13 others were injured, wrote the region's occupation chief, Denis Pushilin, on Telegram on Monday.

What will be important on Monday

The Ukrainian military is also expecting new Russian attacks on New Year's Day, particularly in the east of the country.

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