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Wagenknecht now wants to lead her own party after all

Ex-leftist explains change of heart

There is already a "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" group in the
There is already a "Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance" group in the

Wagenknecht now wants to lead her own party after all

She had actually rejected it, but now the U-turn: Sahra Wagenknecht could lead her own party after all - at least in a dual leadership. In an interview, she describes her change of heart. She also talks about why not everyone can become a member straight away.

Contrary to previous statements, long-time Left Party politician Sahra Wagenknecht is ready to lead her new party, at least in a dual leadership. She is reconsidering the question of the chairmanship, "as many people have asked me to do so", Wagenknecht told the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". "There will probably be a dual leadership." She added: "One person alone cannot do everything."

When asked whether she would be part of a dual leadership, Wagenkecht replied "Yes." Until now, Wagenknecht had spoken out against taking over the leadership of her party, which is to be founded in January. She had proposed Amira Mohamed Ali, who had once succeeded her as parliamentary group leader of the Left Party in the Bundestag.

Wagenknecht, Ali and eight other members of the Bundestag left the Left Party in October to found a new party. The Linke parliamentary group in the Bundestag lost its parliamentary group status due to the resignations and wants to be recognized as a parliamentary group - as does the BSW. The new party is expected to be founded on January 8, with the first party conference planned for January 27 in Berlin.

In the FAZ interview, Wagenknecht made it clear with regard to her new party that not everyone who wanted to could become a party member straight away. "We want to get to know our members first," she said. Young parties "unfortunately also attract difficult people", she continued. "That's why we have to be careful about who joins the party." The party will start "with several hundred members". There are people in every country who are responsible for building the party. With regard to the question of whether previous party membership in the AfD was an obstacle, Wagenknecht said that there would be no direct transfer.

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Sahra Wagenknecht, formerly of the Left Party, now considers taking on a leadership role in her new party, potentially forming a dual leadership with another individual. This new party is set to be established in January, with Wagenknecht acknowledging that not everyone who wishes to join will be able to do so immediately due to the need to carefully vet new members.

In the German federal parliament, the departure of Wagenknecht and eight other Left Party members has resulted in the loss of parliamentary group status for the Linke, but they are aiming to regain this recognition along with the new party, the BSW. The foundation of this new party is scheduled for January 8, with a party conference to follow on January 27 in Berlin.


