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Wafer-thin majority of FDP members want to remain in the traffic light system

Stay in the traffic light or leave? The members of the FDP had until exactly 1 p.m. on New Year's Day to decide. The result was close - although it is not binding for the party leadership anyway.

A delegate votes during the state party conference and the state members' meeting of the FDP
A delegate votes during the state party conference and the state members' meeting of the FDP Hessen in the town

Member survey - Wafer-thin majority of FDP members want to remain in the traffic light system

The FDP leadership can breathe a sigh of relief: a majority of members have voted in favor of remaining in the coalition with the SPD and the Greens. 52.24 percent of those who voted were in favor of continuing the government work, 47.76 percent wanted to end the coalition, as the German Press Agency learned from party circles on Monday. However, only 26,058 of the approximately 72,100 FDP members took part in the survey - just over one in three.

The member vote has no practical consequences. This is because the constitution states: "The party's bodies are not bound by the result of the member survey in their decision-making." However, the result is an important indicator of the mood. If there had been a majority in favor of leaving the traffic light coalition, this would have fueled the discussion within the party and put pressure on the party leadership.

This would very likely have meant new turbulence for the traffic light coalition. The relatively low interest of the FDP base in the question posed - a turnout of around 36% - and the result now also strengthen party chairman Christian Lindner.

FDP members had requested a vote

The FDP Federal Executive Committee launched the survey on December 18 after 598 members had requested it. Members were able to take part online for two weeks. The question was: "Should the FDP end the coalition with the SPD and Greens as part of the federal government?" The answer could be "yes" or "no".

According to the FDP's constitution, a survey must be conducted if 500 members request it. This can be done by secret postal vote, a decentralized face-to-face vote, an online vote or a combination of the three methods. In this case, the party leadership opted for the online procedure. Only members with an e-mail address listed in the membership directory were able to take part.

The initiative for the member vote followed an open letter from 26 state and local FDP politicians. Following the poor election results in Hesse and Bavaria, they had called for the FDP to reconsider its coalition partners. In Bavaria, the FDP missed out on entering the state parliament last October. In Hesse, it only just made it over the five percent hurdle.

Election year 2024 promises to be difficult for the FDP

Since joining the traffic light coalition, the FDP had previously failed in five other state elections. In elections in Berlin, Lower Saxony and Saarland, it also failed to reach the five percent hurdle. In Schleswig-Holstein and North Rhine-Westphalia, it remained in parliament but was kicked out of the government. Participation in the traffic light coalition in the federal government was controversial in parts of the party from the outset.

The 2024 election year also promises to be difficult for the FDP. The polls for the three state elections in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg in September put the Liberals at three to five percent. However, they are already several weeks old. In Saxony and Brandenburg, the FDP is already not in the state parliament. There are no national polls yet for the European elections in June - in 2019, the FDP did not exactly achieve an exhilarating 5.4 percent.

FDP leader Lindner was emphatically relaxed about the members' vote. It doesn't stress him out, he said. "Because it is an opportunity to make it clear that the FDP is helping to shape the direction of the government."

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The FDP leadership can use the outcome of the member survey as a tool to navigate potential internal disputes within the party, as 52.24% of participating members expressed a desire to continue being part of the Traffic Light coalition with the SPD and the Greens. Despite the low turnout of only 26,058 members out of an approximate 72,100, the FDP's federal chairman, Christian Lindner, may find his position strengthened by this result.

The call for a member vote on the Traffic Light coalition was initiated by 598 members of the FDP, who sought a platform to voice their concerns following questionable election results in Hesse and Bavaria. The FDP's leadership ultimately opted for an online survey as a method of garnering feedback from its members, as required by the party's constitution when 500 members petition for a vote.




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