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Violence during the holidays: offers of help and tips for those affected

When the family gets together, things can escalate. Sometimes the whole thing ends in violence. Those affected have many options for getting help, even during the holidays. An overview.

Violence is never a solution - that's why clear boundaries should be set
Violence is never a solution - that's why clear boundaries should be set

Overview - Violence during the holidays: offers of help and tips for those affected

Christmas is not peaceful in all families. Time pressure, high expectations, existing problems and being together in a confined space - this can be a dangerous mix. Statistically speaking, the home is not a safe place, especially for women - around 240,000 cases of domestic violence against women were registered nationwide in 2022, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

Domestic violence is not just a problem during the festive season: since 2015, over 100 women have died at the hands of their partner or ex-partner every year. These murders of women are also known as femicides.

Support services for women in cases of domestic violence

The number of unreported cases is likely to be significantly higher, as many women do not report the acts, as lawyer Christina Clemm reported in an interview with stern magazine. For women who find themselves in violent relationships or in acute danger, there are various help services that are available around the clock - including over the Christmas holidays.

Women who have experienced violence can call the "help hotline". The staff will advise those affected in confidential conversations. Advice is available in 18 languages. The hotline is available 24/7 free of charge at: 116016. The previous number 0800 116 016 is also still available. Women can also contact the helpline by email or chat. The staff can refer you to other services if you wish.

Women can find an overview of women's shelters and advice centers in their region at the Women's Shelter Coordination Office. The exact addresses of the women's shelters are not known for the protection of the residents, but women can contact them via the coordination office.

Help for men in cases of domestic violence

The offer also applies to men who are affected by violence. According to statistics, 20 percent of acts of violence in couples involve men. There are also special help services for them in various forms. For example, men can contact the help hotline for men anonymously on 0800/1239900. There is also a"help chat" if you don't want to or can't talk.

General offers of help

In acute emergencies, the police can be contacted on 110 and the emergency services on 112. Women who are unable to make an emergency call by phone can do so in Germany using the "Nora" warning app. If you have the app on your smartphone and are registered, you can call for help by pressing a button in the app. The data entered and the location are then transmitted to the emergency call center. If the "silent emergency call" function is selected, this works without speaking. But beware: the app is currently not available in the app stores. This means that only women who have already installed the app can call for help via the app.

There is also a similar concept in Austria: the app DEC112 (Digital Emergency Call) can also be used to make a silent emergency call. The location is transmitted via GPS and the stored data is sent to the emergency call center.

If a man or woman is in danger while out and about or has the opportunity to make a video call to someone, a hand signal can also be used to indicate that help is needed. The "Signal for Help" gesture consists of two steps:

Step 1: Hold up the flat of your hand. The palm of the hand is facing outwards so that the other person can see it. The thumb is bent inwards.

Step 2: Slowly place all the other fingers over the thumb to form a fist.

Overall, and not just on public holidays: violence is not a solution. Anyone affected by assault can and should seek help. The first step can be to talk to a trusted person if going to a help center seems too overwhelming at first. You are not alone, help is often just a phone call or a chat message away.

Read also:

Women seeking help during the Christmas holiday can contact the 24/7 confidential help hotline at 116016, which is available in 18 languages. Lawyer Christina Clemm highlighted in an interview that many cases of domestic violence go unreported. Men who are also victims of domestic violence can reach out to the help hotline for men at 0800/1239900.




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