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Victim discarded on dumping ground: Suspect confesses to 42 murders

The investigators speak of a psychopath: A 33-year-old man was arrested in Kenya as a suspected serial killer. He is allegedly seeking a new victim.

Landfill in Nairobi, Kenya's capital (Symbol photo)
Landfill in Nairobi, Kenya's capital (Symbol photo)

Kenya - Victim discarded on dumping ground: Suspect confesses to 42 murders

After discovering mutilated female bodies on a dumping ground in Nairobi, the police have identified a prime suspect. The 33-year-old man was arrested in the night while watching the EM-Finale in a bar, according to investigators. The man confessed to having murdered 42 women, dismembered them, and thrown their remains in plastic bags into a former quarry in a Nairobi slum used as a dumping ground. "We are dealing with a psychopath, with a serial killer who has no respect for human life," said Mohamed Amin, head of the criminal police.

The investigations began after the discovery of body parts on the dumping ground on the previous Friday. By Sunday, the police found the remains of nine women, approximately 18 to 30 years old.

The Suspect from Kenya had his next victim in sight

The arrested man reportedly stated that his first victim was his own wife, said Amin. He had strangled and dismembered her – just like he later did to the other women. The investigators traced him through the mobile phone of his last victim, who lived nearby, approximately 100 meters from the dumping ground.

In his house, the police found, besides a machete and plastic bags, personal belongings of women. At the time of his arrest, the man was reportedly already on the lookout for a new victim.

Initially, there were rumors that policemen were involved in the murders and that the victims might have been government-critical demonstrators.

The news of the Series murder in Nairobi spread worldwide, making headlines in various countries. The psychopath's confession led to a wave of fear and shock in the community. Despite being in custody, the suspect was reportedly planning another murder, demonstrating his continued disregard for human life.

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