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USA: No more new Ukraine aid this year

Setback for Kiev

The Ukrainian soldiers at the front have ammunition
The Ukrainian soldiers at the front have ammunition

USA: No more new Ukraine aid this year

Kiev is waiting for urgently needed 61 billion dollars from the USA for defense against the Russian war of aggression. It is now clear that the military aid will not be approved this year. The hope remains that the Republicans' blockade can be resolved next year.

The US Congress will not approve any new military aid for Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, this year. This was conceded by the leaders of the ruling Democrats and the opposition Republicans in the Senate, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell, in a joint statement. Schumer and McConnell explained that the negotiators from the House of Congress and the government would continue to work on outstanding issues in the coming days. The hope is that action can then be taken "quickly" at the beginning of next year.

The failure to reach an agreement on new aid for Ukraine before the end of the year comes as no surprise, but is a symbolically heavy blow for Ukraine. Especially as President Volodymyr Zelensky personally appealed for new aid during a visit to Washington last week.

In October, US President Joe Biden asked Congress for new aid for Kiev amounting to around 61 billion dollars. However, this has met with rejection from some opposition Republicans, even though the Republican Senate Minority Leader McConnell is in favor of new aid. The conservatives can block further funds for Ukraine with their majority in the House of Representatives and their blocking minority in the Senate.

The Republicans are demanding concessions on US immigration policy and securing the border with Mexico. Biden was open to this in principle. He is prepared to make "major compromises" on immigration policy so that Congress can release funding for Ukraine, the US President said in a speech to members of Congress at the beginning of the month.

House of Representatives takes winter break

The Senate had postponed its winter recess due to the negotiations on new military aid in order to gain more time for negotiations. However, the House of Representatives, where there is particularly strong Republican opposition to the aid, has already taken its winter break.

The USA is Kiev's most important supporter in the war against the Russian invasion forces. Since the start of the Russian war of aggression in February 2022, the USA has provided or pledged more than 44 billion dollars in military aid to Ukraine. A prolonged US default would have serious consequences for Kiev. The western allies of the USA and Ukraine are therefore looking to Washington with concern.

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