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US state of Michigan does not remove Trump from the ballot

The ruling contrasts with a court decision in Colorado. These differing assessments should make it more likely that the Supreme Court will deal with the issue.

Donald Trump wants to return to the White House for the Republicans after the 2024
Donald Trump wants to return to the White House for the Republicans after the 2024 presidential election.

The Supreme Court of the US state of Michigan has rejected an attempt by opponents of Donald Trump to remove the former US president from the ballot for the primaries. The court stated that it was "not persuaded that the questions presented should be reviewed by this court".

The ruling stands in stark contrast to a decision by the Supreme Court of the state of Colorado. Last week, it ruled that Trump was ineligible for the presidency due to his role in the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and therefore could not participate in the primary election.

Trump's opponents argue with constitutional amendment

Trump wants to return to the White House for the Republicans after the 2024 presidential election. His opponents in various states are trying to have Trump's name removed from the ballot papers for the presidential election. They are arguing on the basis of a constitutional amendment that excludes people from elections who have instigated a "rebellion" against the constitution. So far, they have only been successful in Colorado.

Unlike in Colorado, the case in Michigan has never been heard in court. Corresponding lawsuits were rejected by lower courts. There was therefore never a substantive dispute, but rather a question of jurisdiction. The state supreme court has now upheld the dismissals.

The different assessments by the highest legal authorities in the two states are likely to make it more likely that the US Supreme Court will ultimately deal with the issue. Trump had announced an appeal against the ruling in Colorado. The Supreme Court in Colorado has itself stayed its decision until the issue has been finally clarified in the event of an appeal. Trump's name is therefore likely to be on the ballot for his party's primary election in the state at the beginning of next year.

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