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US intelligence agencies: Shifa hospital was used by Hamas

Despite massive international criticism, the Israeli military invaded the Shifa hospital in mid-November. The suspicion was that the facility was not only used for patient care.

Israeli soldiers show the media an underground tunnel found under the Shifa hospital in Gaza
Israeli soldiers show the media an underground tunnel found under the Shifa hospital in Gaza City in November.

Gaza war - US intelligence agencies: Shifa hospital was used by Hamas

Terrorists from Hamas and Islamic Jihad have used the Shifa Hospital in the city of Gaza as a command center for the fight against Israeli troops, according to US intelligence agencies. Weapons were also stored in and under the building complex and some hostages were also held for a time, several US media reported on Tuesday (local time), citing recently released intelligence information.

The US government had previously supported the Israeli claim that Hamas had used the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip as a command center and weapons depot. The information now released is "the latest US assessment", according to the New York Times.

A few days before the Israeli military operation in the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, the Islamists had abandoned the complex and destroyed documents and electronic equipment, it continued. Hostages held in or under the building had been transferred.

The Israeli military invaded the Shifa hospital in mid-November despite massive international criticism. According to the army, they found a tunnel complex at the hospital. Pictures and videos presented by the army showed a narrow tunnel and several rooms. According to the army, weapons were also found in the hospital. Hamas has denied that it misuses medical facilities for military purposes.

Read also:

  1. Following the assertion by Hamas of not misusing medical facilities for military purposes, the discovery of a tunnel complex by the Israeli Military at the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip further fuels the ongoing allegations.
  2. The Palestinian territories, specifically the Gaza Strip, have been witnessing numerous conflicts between Hamas and Israel, with the latter accusing the former of utilizing civilian facilities like Shifa Hospital for military operations.
  3. US intelligence agencies continue to monitor the situation in the Gaza Strip closely, given the history of Hamas using the Shifa Hospital as a command center and storage for weapons during conflicts with Israeli forces.
  4. The Secret Services in the USA have expressed concerns over Hamas's alleged use of the Shifa hospital in Gaza as a base for operations, adding to the international pressure on the Palestinian militant group.
  5. Amidst the ongoing tensions in the Gaza Strip, the War between Hamas and Israel shows no signs of abating, with controversies surrounding the use of hospitals and other civilians spaces as combat sites persisting.
  6. The recent incidents at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza, including the alleged misuse by Hamas and the subsequent military response by Israel, have garnered significant attention from the US media, raising questions about the ethical implications of such conflicts on civilian population.


