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Urgent plea from educators: unprecedented crisis arises

Daycare centers gathered 27,000 signatures.

Daycare centers are short of staff - "it's getting worse from week to week", warns Verdi.
Daycare centers are short of staff - "it's getting worse from week to week", warns Verdi.

Urgent plea from educators: unprecedented crisis arises

Over 27,000 childcare workers in Germany have signed a petition urging for assistance in the care and education of children. These workers are experiencing a prolonged crisis that is worsening each week. Martina Meyer, the chairwoman of the Verdi federal education, training, and social work section, emphasized that if things don't change quickly, everything will crumble.

The positions in the daycare centers have gone unfilled for years. The workers are requesting additional kitchen, housekeeping, and administrative staff to reduce the workload on educators. They also want to see improvements in staffing ratios, no increase in class sizes, and a step-by-step plan to increase the number of expert staff.

The federal government needs to provide financial support to daycare centers on a long-term basis and collaborate with the states to plan the expansion of the daycare system according to the needs of parents. The union is proposing a nationwide daycare summit with the federal and state governments to discuss these issues.

Union representatives delivered the "collective endangerment warning" with signatures and demands to Bremen's Senator for Education, Sascha Karolin Aulepp, at the Youth and Family Ministers' Conference (JFMK). At this two-day conference, where Bremen chairs the ministers of the federal states, the expansion of childcare facilities and the recruitment of specialist staff are crucial areas of discussion.

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