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Unveiling the truth behind her unsuccessful matrimonial journey

Marlene Lufen, a presenter, discussed her divorce from her husband in 2019 after 22 years of marriage in a candid interview.

Marlene Lufen presents "Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen" and now has her own podcast "M wie Marlene".
Marlene Lufen presents "Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen" and now has her own podcast "M wie Marlene".

Marlene Lufen: A Newspaper's Headline or Description - Unveiling the truth behind her unsuccessful matrimonial journey

Five years after her separation from former "Sportschau" moderator Claus Lufen (57), Marlene Lufen (53) speaks openly about the challenges she faced. "The initial two years were tough," she admits to the magazine "Gala." But with help from family and friends, she was able to get through this difficult period.

A Time of Transition

"Of course, the time before the separation wasn't easy either, as you realize that life is changing direction." Claus and Marlene Lufen had been married since 1997 and had two children. Their separation took place in 2019, which Marlene announced a year later. Now, the host of "Sat.1 Frühstücksfernsehen" reflects on this personal crisis: "The events unfolded at a time when my children were growing up and didn't need me as much." Her friendships provided her with a plethora of discussions, and the support of her family was essential. "My sister arrived the next day and made something for us. I was able to lean on her or just cry."

Her two children, Fritz (23) and Frida (19), also found the situation challenging. "I strove to present a strong demeanor to my children. I didn't want to become a burden in their lives," Marlene says. They did, however, provide her with much-needed distraction and emotional support: "My children and my job helped me immensely."

Embracing the Future: A Recipe for Healing

A conversation with a friend led to an epiphany. She counseled Marlene to either dwell on the past or move on and shape her future. "This was a turning point for me. We create our lives through the quality of our thoughts," she recalls. Letting go of the past is crucial. Inspired by this conversation, Marlene traveled to San Francisco to visit old acquaintances. "My friends also encouraged me to move on. That became my mantra." Even a bracelet with the uplifting phrase serves as a constant reminder.

Her amicable relationship with her ex-spouse is a testament to her healing process. "The rapport with Claus is great, we've had plenty of fun together," Marlene states positively. While she remains cryptic about her romantic life, hopes are high for a new love. "I might share that news soon." Dating apps are not on her radar, preferring instead to wait for the right person to appear.

In an effort to aid others in their own healing processes, Marlene has created a podcast called "M like Marlene." "It's wonderful to have someone to talk to," she explains. In the podcast, she plans to discuss topics like love, money, and health openly.

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