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UN: Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians at acute risk of starvation

"I've never seen anything like it," says a spokeswoman for the World Food Program in view of the alarming extent of hunger in the Gaza Strip.

Donation point of a charity organization that distributes food to Palestinians in Rafah.
Donation point of a charity organization that distributes food to Palestinians in Rafah.

Gaza Strip - UN: Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians at acute risk of starvation

The United Nations is warning of starvation for hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the face of a "globally unprecedented" situation in the Gaza Strip. A new study by several UN agencies and other institutions published on Thursday concludes that 577,000 people in the sealed-off coastal strip fall into the most serious category of starvation. In the rest of the world combined, however, there are currently 129,000 people who are similarly threatened, according to the analysis.

"I have never seen anything like it. The scale of acute food insecurity is unprecedented in terms of severity, speed of deterioration and complexity," said Shaza Moghraby, New York spokesperson for the World Food Program (WFP). The people at risk of "catastrophic" hunger as a result of the Israeli attacks are more than a quarter of the over two million people in the area. Almost all inhabitants are affected by hunger or displacement.

As a result of the Israeli warfare, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is dramatic. According to the UN, more aid deliveries are urgently needed to prevent the high number of thousands of civilian victims from rising further. "We cannot wait for a famine to be declared before we act," said Moghraby. Israel had sealed off and attacked the Gaza Strip after the cruel terrorist attack by the Islamist Hamas on October 7.

Read also:

  1. Despite international calls for a ceasefire, ongoing conflicts between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip continue to exacerbate the situation, leading to an increase in the number of Palestinians at risk of starvation.
  2. In an effort to alleviate the crisis, the United Nations and various international organizations have requested increased aid deliveries to the Palestinian territories, particularly the Gaza Strip, where hundreds of thousands are currently facing starvation.
  3. In response to the international outcry over the worsening humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, New York-based representatives of the World Food Program have expressed concern over the "catastrophic" hunger affecting the local population.
  4. Advocacy groups and international organizations have repeatedly criticized Israel for its blockade and military actions in the Gaza Strip, which have contributed to the widespread starvation and displacement of Palestinians in the area.
  5. As the situation in the Gaza Strip unfolds, several global leaders, including those in New York, have expressed their support for the UN's call to action, urging international bodies to take measures to address the ongoing hunger and suffering in the Palestinian territories.


