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Ulrike Kriener on her gray hair in the film

In the "Mona & Marie" comedies, Ulrike Kriener plays the do-gooder Marie. What does the actress think of her gray hair in the film?

Ulrike Kriener plays Marie in the "Mona & Marie - A slightly different birthday"
Ulrike Kriener plays Marie in the "Mona & Marie - A slightly different birthday"

"Mona & Marie - A birthday with a difference" - Ulrike Kriener on her gray hair in the film

After the successful opening film "Mona & Marie" from 2021, the second part is now on the evening TV program. In "Mona & Marie - Ein etwas anderer Geburtstag" (4.12., 20:15, ZDF), the story of two unequal sisters is spun out further. Widowed Düsseldorf lawyer's wife Mona Berthold (Maren Kroymann, 74), who has no estate to speak of, continues to live with her old hippie sister Marie Decker (Ulrike Kriener, 68) in their little house on the North Sea coast. Together they run the guesthouse "Sonnengruß". But the shared flat and hotel business are anything but harmonious. And when Marie secretly organizes a surprise party for Mona's birthday, even though she hates her birthdays, further conflicts are inevitable...

As in the first part, screenwriter Mathias Klaschka skillfully mixes bitter life themes into the new comedy. spot on news spoke to Ulrike Kriener about this. The actress also revealed how she likes the gray, long hair in her role.

"Mona & Marie - A somewhat different birthday" is a beautiful film set in a charismatic northern German landscape. How did you like the location?

Ulrike Kriener: I love filming in the north because I lived there as a young woman and also went to drama school there. For me, it always feels like coming home.

Marie and her sister Mona (Maren Kroymann) live in a shared flat. Would that also be an option for you?

Kriener: As a young woman, I lived in shared flats for many years and always found it a very nice way of living together. And I think it's also a good way to live in old age. In any case, there are great examples of this.

Your role in "Mona & Marie" looks a bit like the one in the successful movie "Willkommen bei den Hartmanns" (2016). What do you like about it?

Kriener: What I really like about both films is that I was able to play with gray, long hair and that they are both very spirited and funny women. This brash positive energy and this "do-gooder mania" are wonderful to play in comedies.

How much Marie is in you in your private life?

Kriener: There is ultimately a part of me in all the roles I play. However, there are not too many character overlaps with Marie.

The movie also deals with serious topics such as breast cancer, dementia, living wills, hearing loss, etc. Do these topics scare you in your private life?

Kriener: I'm not afraid of old age itself. But I am definitely part of "Team Caution". I have made a living will and a will. Another little tip: commitment beats fear. I am a patron of the Walter Schulz Foundation, which is involved in cancer research. Just a few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of honoring a great young doctor who has dedicated herself to the fight against cancer.

In the movie, you cycle, crawl under tractors, dance and generally look very fit. What do you do for your physical fitness?

Kriener: Relatively little, I have to admit. Fortunately, I'm just agile.

What can your fans look forward to next?

Kriener: I'm currently filming a comedy called "Alle nich' ganz dicht" (AT). And I'm hoping that viewers will have as much fun watching it as I did during filming.

Read also:

  1. In the highly anticipated second part of "Mona & Marie", Maren Kroymann reprises her role as Mona Berthold, a widowed Düsseldorf lawyer's wife living with her sister Marie Decker (Ulrike Kriener) on the North Sea coast.
  2. During the filming of "Mona & Marie - A somewhat different birthday", Ulrike Kriener shared her love for the northern German landscape, having lived there as a young woman and attended drama school there.
  3. Similar to her role in "Willkommen bei den Hartmanns" (2016), Ulrike Kriener enjoyed playing a spirited and funny woman with gray, long hair in "Mona & Marie".
  4. The comedy "Mona & Marie - A somewhat different birthday" airs on ZDF at 8:15 PM on December 4th, following the successful opening film "Mona & Marie" from 2021.
  5. Ulrike Kriener is currently filming a new comedy titled "Alle nich' ganz dicht" (AT) and hopes that viewers will have as much fun watching it as she did during filming.


