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Ukraine satisfies prerequisites for entrance negotiations, says administration.

Good news for Ukraine: the German government thinks that sufficient conditions have been met to initiate EU accession negotiations. However, is it truly possible to grant approval?

For the Ukrainians, the EU accession negotiations are an important sign that it is worth continuing...
For the Ukrainians, the EU accession negotiations are an important sign that it is worth continuing the defensive struggle against Russia.

The European Union is urging China to allow greater market access for European companies. - Ukraine satisfies prerequisites for entrance negotiations, says administration.

Ukraine has reportedly met all the necessary reform requirements to begin discussions on joining the European Union, as stated by German government officials. In response to a query from dpa, European State Minister Anna Luhrmann (Greens) affirmed that "from the federal government's perspective, Ukraine has met all the conditions to start EU accession negotiations in June." So, they're pushing for a swift agreement among all European Union (EU) member states on the negotiation framework.

The negotiation framework serves to establish guidelines and standard principles for accession negotiations. It's a mandatory prerequisite for the start of negotiations and requires unanimous approval from all 27 EU member states.

A fundamental resolution had been made at an EU summit months prior

The commencement of accession negotiations with Ukraine, currently embroiled in a conflict with Russia, and Moldova was already decided at a previous EU summit in December. The summit had also determined that all reform conditions must be met prior to the start of negotiations.

The most recent report from the Commission revealed that Ukraine had not yet fully implemented certain reform initiatives, such as anti-corruption measures, minority protection, and the reduction of oligarch influence. It was unclear if the German government felt that the progress made subsequently would suffice.

It remains to be seen whether a consensus will emerge on the negotiation framework in the coming week, as indicated by Brussels diplomats. Following initial discussions this Wednesday, Hungary has emerged as a potential roadblock.

Arrowpoint: minority rights

The Hungarian government is rumored to disagree with the existing draft of the negotiation framework and seeks for it to explicitly address the topic of minority protection. Additionally, Hungary is highly critical of Ukraine's quest for EU membership due to perceived insufficient respect for the rights of the Hungarian minority in Ukraine.

For the people of Ukraine, opening EU accession negotiations primarily signifies an essential marker demonstrating that it's worth contesting against Russia. The amount of time it'll take from the beginning of negotiations until Ukraine becomes an EU member, however, is an undecided matter. Turkey, for instance, was a candidate in 1999, and its journey to EU membership seems to have stalled.

A candidate nation could potentially never attain membership

Theoretically, it's also conceivable that a candidate country never joins the EU. In Ukraine's predicament, it's currently considered unthinkable that it'll become an EU member before the cessation of the Russian aggression. Because then Kiev might lobby for military assistance under Article 42, paragraph 7 of the EU Treaty - and the EU would be a belligerent party.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian president, emphasized his ongoing aspiration for a decision on accession negotiations in June, expressing that "our state, our people deserve it, and the European Union also needs this step." The EU derives its strength from preventing entry to those who uphold its principles.

State Minister Luhrmann commented on the ongoing negotiations within the EU, "The German government will keep on supporting Ukraine in its pursuit of becoming part of the EU." Zelenskyy asserted, "The future of Ukraine lies within the EU."

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