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Two men break out of a detention center and escape

In the early hours of Sunday morning, two inmates manage to escape from a Berlin psychiatric hospital. They are considered mentally ill and classified as dangerous. It is not the first incident this week.

According to rbb, the incident took place at the Karl Bonhoeffer mental hospital
According to rbb, the incident took place at the Karl Bonhoeffer mental hospital in

Berlin - Two men break out of a detention center and escape

Two mentally ill offenders who are considered dangerous escaped from a psychiatric hospital in Berlin-Reinickendorf on Christmas Eve. Two nurses were injured in the escape, which took place early on Sunday morning. One of them was taken to hospital with stab wounds, the other was treated as an outpatient, according to the police and health authorities. A search is now underway for the escapees.

The psychiatric hospital is a secure hospital in the Wittenau district where mentally ill or addicted offenders are housed. According to the information available so far, a 34-year-old inmate is said to have called a 45-year-old nurse to him at around 3.30 a.m. under a pretext and then knocked her down with a frying pan.

A 53-year-old colleague of the woman rushed to help and was then allegedly attacked by the man with a knife. According to dpa information, she suffered injuries to her neck. The suspected attacker and another inmate then fled from the grounds of the psychiatric hospital.

Escaping men in Berlin could be armed

The two escapees are reportedly considered dangerous due to their mental illnesses. At least one of the two could be armed with a knife. The police and the health authorities responsible for the prison system did not provide any further details, citing tactical investigation reasons.

It was only last Wednesday night that unknown persons had tried to free a member of a known clan of Arab origin from a different Berlin psychiatric hospital in the Buch district. However, according to the health authorities, the attempt failed because guards noticed the break-in and intervened. The strangers fled.

There are currently other cases of escaped criminals: On December 14, an inmate at Mannheim Prison used a visit to the doctor at the clinic in the neighboring city of Ludwigshafen to escape. On October 30, a prisoner from Bruchsal Prison escaped during a guarded excursion to a quarry pond in Germersheim and used a tool to break his ankle cuff. He is also still on the run.

A convicted offender who did not return to his ward on December 11 in Viersen, North Rhine-Westphalia, after an unaccompanied exit within the grounds of a psychiatric clinic, turned himself in to a police station in Rhineland-Palatinate a few days later.

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The two individuals who broke out of the detention center in Berlin are believed to have originated from a psychiatric hospital in Berlin-Reinickendorf. Despite the escape occurring on saint's eve, authorities in Germany are focusing their efforts on apprehending the dangerous escapees, with at least one of them reportedly carrying a knife. The correctional facility where the incident took place remains on high alert, collaborating closely with local law enforcement agencies in their pursuit.


