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Trump rejects former opponent as vice-presidential candidate

Nikki Haley's remarks reportedly upset many at the UN.

Trump rules out former rival as running mate
Trump rules out former rival as running mate

Trump rejects former opponent as vice-presidential candidate

For months, there's been speculation on who'll be Donald Trump's running mate in his bid for the White House. Now, the former president has eliminated one potential candidate - his former rival, Nikki Haley. On Saturday, Trump posted on the Truth Social platform he co-founded: "Nikki Haley is not being considered for Vice President, but I wish her well."

While this isn't surprising given Haley's criticisms of Trump, it's worth noting that picking her might have been a smart move. Trump's team was reportedly considering Haley as a possible running mate by "Axios". However, with Haley's past controversies with Trump, bridging the divide between her supporters and Trump's base might have been difficult.

Haley's Tense Relationship with Trump

Haley, former US ambassador to the UN, fought against Trump in the Republican primaries for the 2024 presidential nomination. Despite losing, her profile increased. After dropping out, she didn't endorse Trump. Recently, her name surfaced as a potential running mate, as she could have appealed to the more moderate voters that Trump's rhetoric and behavior might have scared away. But she's also detested by ardent Trump supporters.

Several names have been tossed around for months, indicating who might be Trump's pick. The question is whether Trump will approach the choice tactically or opt for someone who's unwaveringly loyal. Among the mentioned names are Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, Tim Scott, and North Dakota's Governor Doug Burgum. But the Governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, seems to have ruled herself out. In her book, she described shooting her dog, causing outrage.

The November elections could see Trump and Democratic incumbent Joe Biden neck and neck. Biden continues to rely on his VP, Kamala Harris.

Never-Ending Speculations

Several names have been circulating for months regarding who might become Trump's running mate. Will he use a strategic approach or simply choose someone who's fiercely loyal? The names of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott keep coming up. Meanwhile, North Dakota's Governor Doug Burgum has been discussed as well.

However, the Southern Governor, Kristi Noem, might have blown her chances by boasting in her book about shooting her dog. There's been uneasy speculation about the possibility of her joining Trump's team.

Biden, who is 81 years old, still relies on his VP, Kamala Harris. The Presidential election in November is expected to be a neck-and-neck race between Biden and Trump.

Read also:

Despite Trump rejecting Nikki Haley as his potential vice-presidential candidate due to their past controversies, she could have been a smart choice given her appeal to moderate voters. However, bridging the divide between her supporters and Trump's base might have been challenging.

Trump's team had considered Nikki Haley as a possible running mate, but her past criticisms of the former president and the potential backlash from Trump's base made her an unlikely choice. Haley, a former US ambassador to the UN and a Republican primary opponent of Trump in the 2024 presidential race, has been divisive among Trump supporters.


