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Trump receives disapproval from Libertarians.

Clash during party gathering

Laute Buhrufe ist Trump nicht gewohnt. Missmutig beleidigte er die Libertären als "drei Prozent"...
Laute Buhrufe ist Trump nicht gewohnt. Missmutig beleidigte er die Libertären als "drei Prozent" Partei.

Trump receives disapproval from Libertarians.

Trump usually gets cheered on by his fans, but this time, they were drowned out by boos at a Libertarian Party event. The Libertarians often criticize government debt and Trump's Corona policies while in office.

During a speech at the Libertarian Party National Convention in Washington, Donald Trump experienced an unexpected challenge. As captured in a report from the Associated Press, the 77-year-old former president was booed and heckled by the audience. Participants hurled insults at him, accusing him of things like his Corona strategy, increased government debt, and deceit about his political past.

A few of Trump's supporters, wearing "Make America Great Again" hats and shirts, cheered him on as he walked on stage, but their voices were instantly drowned out by the booing crowd. This was a rare occurrence for Trump, who is accustomed to appearing in front of adoring audiences where hecklers are scarce.

The Libertarians, who support limited government intervention and champion individual freedoms, have typically been critical of Trump. His attendance at the event divided the party. Trump attempted to win over his critics. He mentioned the four criminal charges against him, saying, "If I weren't a Libertarian before, I'm definitely one now." He also pledged to nominate a Libertarian for his cabinet if he won the election.

Trump continued to compliment "the fierce defenders of freedom in this room" and labeled President Joe Biden "a tyrant" and "the worst president in the history of the United States." This encouraged certain attendees to retort, "That's you!" As the verbal attacks continued, Trump eventually turned the tables. "You didn't want to win," he said - suggesting that some Libertarians were only seeking their modest three percent every four years in presidential elections.

In 2016, the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate, Gary Johnson, received about three percent of the national vote. His successor, Jo Jorgensen, managed only slightly more than one percent in 2020. At the Libertarian Party National Convention, party members choose their candidate for the November election. Prior to Trump's speech, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the gathering on Friday.

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