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Trump: Putin is happy about my prosecution

Donald Trump wants to become president of the USA again. He does not shy away from using racist language.

Former US President Donald Trump is clearly ahead in all Republican polls.
Former US President Donald Trump is clearly ahead in all Republican polls.

Election campaign - Trump: Putin is happy about my prosecution

Former US President Donald Trump has suggested at a campaign event that the trials against him would help US political opponents.

"Even Vladimir Putin says that Biden's - and this is a quote - politically motivated prosecution of his political rival is very good for Russia because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which then can no longer educate others about democracy," Trump said in Durham in the state of New Hampshire.

"We talk about democracy, but the whole world is watching the persecution of a political opponent kicking his butt. It's an impressive thing. And they're all laughing at us," Trump said. He repeatedly claims without evidence that President Joe Biden of the Democrats is directly behind the proceedings against him and is influencing investigators. Trump is facing 91 counts of election and financial fraud in four criminal cases and several civil cases.

Racist language

During the speech in New Hampshire, Trump also repeated some racist language. Immigrants from all over the world were pouring into the USA. "They are poisoning the blood of our country," he said, using a common linguistic image used by right-wing extremists. In another recent election campaign speech, he referred to his critics as "parasites". Biden then described Trump's choice of words as "language you would have heard in Nazi Germany".

On January 23, New Hampshire will be the second US state in which Republican supporters want to decide their presidential candidate for the November election. A victory there and in the even earlier decision in Iowa will have a signal effect for the other states. Trump is clearly ahead in all polls.

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