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Trial of accused "Reichsbürger" culminates with confession

A group of self-proclaimed Reich citizens allegedly devised a coup plot in Germany. During a trial in Hamburg, a 66-year-old male confesses to backing the plan.

Der Angeklagte im Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht.
Der Angeklagte im Hanseatischen Oberlandesgericht.

Radical ideologies or beliefs - Trial of accused "Reichsbürger" culminates with confession

To initiate the scheme of ousting the so-called Reichsbürger, the accused gave a detailed confession to the Higher Regional Court of Hanseatic. In a pronouncement read aloud by their attorney Ina Franck-Holst to the State Protection Senate, they claimed that the accusations were accurate. Nevertheless, the defendant, a 66-year-old man from Schleswig-Holstein, rejected the evaluation by the Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office.

The indictment alleges that the individual from Bad Bramstedt supported a terrorist organization and plotted a high treason operation. He is alleged to have joined the "Kaiserreichsgruppe." This group aimed at establishing an authoritarian government structure in Germany analogous to the constitution of the German Empire of 1871.

The accused is claimed to have declared his readiness to infiltrate Russian territorial waters near Kaliningrad with others via boat. Once their ship was intercepted by the Russian Navy, the sailors planned to connect with Russian President Vladimir Putin as a request. The group desired assistance from Putin. Members of the group, also recognized as the "United Patriots," have been on trial in Koblenz for more than a year.

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