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Traveling alone as a woman: six important tips for female globetrotters

More and more women are dreaming of traveling alone. But before you set off on your solo adventure, there are a few things to consider. What female globetrotters should definitely bear in mind.

More and more women are setting off alone to discover the
More and more women are setting off alone to discover the

Solo-Travel - Traveling alone as a woman: six important tips for female globetrotters

Exploring the world without compromise, getting to know other cultures and making friends with people from other countries - solo travel is becoming increasingly popular for good reason. Young people in particular want to experience adventures on the road, find themselves and surpass themselves. While men are safe to travel in most countries these days, women in particular are often hesitant due to safety concerns - and forego the solo trip.

Important tips for solo travel

In many countries around the world, women are still structurally disadvantaged, oppressed and persecuted. This not only severely restricts the lives of locals, but also affects the potential travel plans of female globetrotters. And yet there are more and more countries that are proving to be ideal vacation destinations for women traveling alone. But even on a trip to Scandinavia, Canada or Australia, there are a few things to consider in order to get from A to B safely and really enjoy your solo trip. We have summarized the most important tips and information for women travelling alone. The mindset provides the basis for a great solo vacation

In theory, an adventure in another country without restrictions and compromises sounds tempting for many people. But before you start planning your trip, you should honestly reflect on this. Am I really good at being alone? Do I trust myself to deal with problems and challenges? And: Can I enjoy my vacation without being able to share my experiences directly with other people? If you can answer "yes" to all these and similar questions, you are at least mentally ready for your first solo trip.

Small steps eventually lead to the goal

For first-timers in particular, it makes sense not to fly directly across the pond to the Australian outback, but perhaps to look for a destination within Europe first. The easiest way to get started with solo travel is to know the country at least roughly and make a vague plan for the first few days of your stay so that you don't suddenly find yourself faced with big question marks when you arrive at your destination. If you start in a country with a similar culture or infrastructure, you can then venture further and further out of your comfort zone and into the world.

Good preparation is essential

Accidentally flirting, dressing inappropriately or unintentionally insulting other people - women can avoid such blunders if they inform themselves in advance about the customs and traditions in their destination country. Asian and African countries in particular often have different rules when it comes to body language and clothing. If you follow these rules, you will be welcomed with open arms by the locals. It can also help to know at least a few words of the local language in order to be able to communicate with locals who speak neither German nor English in an emergency.

Finding a balance between openness and naivety

If you are traveling alone, you are never really alone for long. In hostels or other popular spots, it's easy to meet like-minded people who are happy to join you for an evening or a whole section of the trip. However, as nice as it is to meet new people, women in particular should always stay in control of the situation. This means: don't necessarily get into the car with strangers or accompany them to remote corners. If you keep this in mind, an open attitude towards other people on your solo trip can even lead to real friendships, or at least find companions.

Be prepared for emergencies

Sometimes you are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. If things get dicey when you're traveling, it's worth having a pocket alarm with you, for example. When you press the button, a siren sounds, which can scare off potential attackers. It can also help to take a basic self-defense course before your trip to strengthen your own defensive reflexes. To be able to call for help as quickly as possible in an emergency, travelers should also keep at least the telephone numbers of the local police and emergency medical services in an easily accessible place. Of course, it is always important to find out about the potential dangers at your destination and possible no-go areas before setting off.

Simply have a good time

As is so often the case, the most important thing comes at the end: Anyone traveling alone should, above all, have a good time. Solo travel has the potential to boost our self-confidence and gives us the wonderful opportunity to explore the world the way we've always wanted to. So if you do it right, you can have the time of your life traveling the world. With yourself - but of course also with like-minded people.

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