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Traffic light does not want to sink debt brake due to flooding

First take stock of the damage

The damage caused by the floods could be immense, but the federal government does not
The damage caused by the floods could be immense, but the federal government does not necessarily want to suspend the debt brake for this

Traffic light does not want to sink debt brake due to flooding

The coronavirus pandemic and the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine are two extraordinary events that are being cited as reasons for suspending the debt brake. The current floods, on the other hand, are not, says the government spokesperson. However, the step is not completely ruled out.

The German government currently has no plans to suspend the debt brake for this year due to the flood disaster in northern Germany. However, it reserves the right to take such a step depending on further developments, said government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit in Berlin. Hebestreit added that if "an event of national scale with high damage amounts" had to be dealt with, "the federal government would not shirk its responsibility". There are "existing mechanisms" for this.

However, this expressly does not mean that the federal government would currently be prepared to suspend the debt brake due to the floods, the spokesperson emphasized. First of all, the damage caused must be assessed - but a result is not yet foreseeable: "If such a high amount of damage is then incurred - which we are not assuming at this point in time - then the federal government can also act."

The German constitution sets strict limits on the suspension of the debt brake, which limits the federal government's annual new borrowing. According to the Basic Law, suspension is permitted "in the event of natural disasters or extraordinary emergencies beyond the control of the state".

Hebestreit rejected calls for the federal government to be given more responsibility for disaster control at the present time. It is currently evident "that civil protection is very well positioned in this situation", said the spokesperson.

Federal states organize civil protection

In principle, "disaster control is a matter for the federal states", added Hebestreit - and the government does not yet see any reason for new regulations. The responsibility of the federal states has "a lot to do with the circumstances, with the knowledge on the ground", he said. "In this respect, the question of equipment is first and foremost a matter for the federal states, and the federal government can - and does - provide support."

However, should the current flood situation give cause to consider a reorganization of responsibilities, "then we would certainly discuss this together," said Hebestreit. However, the Basic Law would have to be amended for such a reorganization.

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