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Tom Kaulitz: "Possibility exists" during European Championships

Tokio Hotel guitarist Tom Kaulitz, relocating from Germany to Hollywood, now cheers for the German national soccer squad and looks forward to the European Championships to unfold.

"We weren't socialized or brought up with soccer because soccer was never a big topic in our...
"We weren't socialized or brought up with soccer because soccer was never a big topic in our family," says Tom Kaulitz (r).

Sports: Football - Tom Kaulitz: "Possibility exists" during European Championships

Tom Kaulitz of the Tokyo Hotel band and husband to model Heidi Klum, from Magdeburg, Germany, eagerly anticipates a win for his country in the upcoming European Championship. In a recent interview with the German Press Agency, he expressed his optimism, saying, "If we create a sense of excitement throughout the team, the country, and with all the people uniting, we can go a long way—especially since it's the home EM."

He believes the national team has great potential with its "insane" coach and first-rate squad, crediting these factors for their chances of success. Kaulitz, a Hollywood resident, acknowledged that "the first few games will be crucial, so we need to perform excellently." He also mentioned seeing "something going on" in the air.

Kaulitz estimates that Germany could potentially reach "at least the semi-finals, if not the championship." He laughed as he went on to add, "If it's the final, anything could happen. I won't guarantee anything further."

The musician and Bayern fan, Tom Kaulitz and his twin brother Bill Kaulitz, were not heavily involved in soccer in their childhood. "We were not socialized into football or raised with it because football was never a significant topic in our family," he stated. At the time of the 2006 World Cup, the brothers were on tour with their band and preoccupied with other activities, missing out on the event.

It wasn't until 2010, when the brothers moved to the US, that Tom began to develop an interest in football. He became a fan of the national team and consequently, a fan of FC Bayern Munich. The brothers visit the Allianz Arena in the upcoming Netflix series about their lives.

The German team, coached by national trainer Julian Nagelsmann, will face Scotland to kick off their campaign on June 14. They are also matched up against Hungary on June 19 at Stuttgart and Switzerland on June 23 in Frankfurt.

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