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Tobacco ban removed as UK parliament disbands

Fresh elections are scheduled for July.

Meanwhile, the two leading candidates in the British election campaign are preparing for the first...
Meanwhile, the two leading candidates in the British election campaign are preparing for the first TV duel.

Tobacco ban removed as UK parliament disbands

In the UK, elections are underway for the House of Lords, which is set to be dissolved. Numerous conservative politicians don't wish to run again, resulting in several expired legislative proposals. Since the dissolution, bills like a gradual tobacco ban, initially planned by the Conservative government, have lost their validity. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's plan would have made tobacco purchases unlawful for those born post-2009. The minimum age of 18 was slated for a gradual increase. Nevertheless, the proposal was deemed too time-consuming. Although the Labour Party supported the ban, it was unknown whether leader Keir Starmer would revive the initiative after winning the election.

Meanwhile, the UK Parliament has been dissolved on July 4th, leaving all 650 constituencies' seats empty. Simultaneously, legislative activity in the House of Lords—whose members serve for life—has been suspended until after the election. All incomplete legislative proposals have ceased to exist.

The UK's election campaign frontrunners, Sunak and Starmer, are set to clash in their first TV debate next week. The match-up is scheduled for Tuesday evening at ITV, as per a recent statement by the broadcaster. Labour has surged ahead, holding a more significant lead during the initial week of the campaign. Based on a Yougov poll for Sky News, Labour was at 47% while the Conservatives sat at 20%. On average, polls place Labour at around 44% and the Conservatives at approximately 23%.

A total of 75 Conservative MPs have so far resigned from the UK Parliament, surpassing the number that left following Tony Blair's landslide Labour victory in 1997. Back then, 72 Conservative MPs resigned.

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