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Time to bring an end to the ongoing conflict: Biden

US President Biden seeks to advance stalled Gaza negotiations by presenting a fresh Israeli plan. A brief overview of the developments.

"It's a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages." Joe Biden.
"It's a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages." Joe Biden.

Conflict in the Middle East - Time to bring an end to the ongoing conflict: Biden

In the ongoing discussions for a ceasefire in the Gaza War, President Joe Biden presented a new Israeli plan and urged for an agreement. He stated at the White House in Washington, "It's time to put an end to this war." Israel has proposed a detailed plan comprising of three phases, which has been communicated to Hamas. "This plan is a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and the release of all hostages," he added. Biden asserted that if Hamas truly craves a ceasefire, they can show it by approving the proposal. Israel would feel secure accepting the plan, according to the President. Moreover, Hamas no longer possesses the capability to execute a massacre like on October 7, he said.

Biden further commented, "There are those in Israel who don't support this plan and will pressure for the war to continue indefinitely." He went on to declare that some people inside the Israeli government coalition have openly expressed their intention to take over the Gaza Strip. They want a protracted war, the release of hostages being of minimal concern to them. Biden urged the Israeli leadership to back the deal, disregarding the pressure.

Prior to Biden's statement, it was reported that Hamas had communicated to the mediators that they would resume negotiations for a hostage agreement only if Israel stops combat. During a statement, Hamas disclosed that there exists a "comprehensive deal" pertaining to the release of the hostages kidnapped from Israel in exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. Nonetheless, the war's termination is a prerequisite for Hamas to engage in these negotiations.

The exact details of what "comprehensive agreement" entails are unclear. It's plausible that the exchange of all hostages for Palestinian prisoners should take place immediately, as opposed to the previous planned phased approach.

Egypt has denied rumors on the Rafah border crossing reopening. Al-Kahira News, an Egyptian TV channel, cited an unidentified high-ranking official denying the reports about an agreement between Egypt and Israel. "Egypt insists on a complete Israeli withdrawal from the border crossing as a precondition for its reopening," the channel claimed.

The Israeli Kan television station had reported earlier that both countries had allegedly agreed to reopen the border crossing for transportation of humanitarian supplies. The alleged agreement was reached due to pressure from the United States. The Rafah border crossing to Egypt in the southern coastal region of the Gaza Strip was closed by Israeli troops a few weeks ago following the Palestinian side's takeover.

As per the Israeli army spokesperson, the army has seized control of the whole strip of the border with Egypt. This stretch contains around 20 tunnels leading to Egypt, which Hamas had used previously for smuggling weaponry.

To hinder this in the future, the army has envisioned the construction of an underground wall, much like the barrier Israel has built along its border with the Gaza Strip. This barrier has enabled Israel to thwart the majority of Hamas' attempts at digging tunnels below the border.

Reports claim that delegations from the three countries will discuss border security in Cairo in the near future. A delegation led by the Director of the Middle East at the National Security Council of the White House, Terry Wolff, will be discussing ways to prevent the smuggling of weapons for the Islamist Hamas through tunnels beneath the border. A subterranean wall is planned for this purpose.

Israeli troops have gained control of the entire border section with Egypt. Nearly 20 tunnels are present in this area, nearly 14 kilometers long, which the Hamas used for weapon smuggling through the Philadelphi Corridor in the past.

Israel's military has apparently wrapped up its long-running operation in Jabalia, a town in the northern part of Gaza. The eastern district of the city has been secured, the army declared. However, this information has not been confirmed independently.

Several hundred terrorists were purportedly eliminated during this operation through violence and aerial attacks. Though these claims remain unverified, they are said to be the reason behind the end of this mission.

Apparently, Israel's forces managed to recover the bodies of seven their own soldiers who went missing after a terrorist incident in the Gaza Strip last October. The military also tore down over 10 kilometers of underground tunnel networks and unearthed massive caches of weapons and ammunition factories. Like most other facts in this story, these claims also remain unverified.

Recent skirmishes in Jabalia had claimed the lives of ten Israeli soldiers. Residents in the town have now reported the withdrawal of troops from the combat zone. In the aftermath of the army's departure, many people have ventured back to their homes to inspect the conditions.

In the past, Israel's army had occupied Jabalia and later retreated. As per the Army Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, their prolonged engagement in this area is a direct result of the absence of a clear political strategy for the post-war period. Jabalia serves as an illustrative example of this issue.

Reports from Palestine indicate the death of a man by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank. He was said to have sustained a gunshot wound in the chest, as per the Ramallah-based health ministry. Four other Palestinian men were also injured during this incident, one of them severely.

Israel's military acknowledged their investigation into the shooting incident. Protests in the refugee camp of Jenin added more misery. Israeli security personnel are said to have undertaken an anti-terror mission in the region. Consequentially, Palestinians were seen hurling explosives, placing stones, and shooting back at the security forces.

Tensions in the West Bank have escalated dramatically since the beginning of the conflict with the Hamas and other extremists last October, which led to the death of over 1200 Israelis and Palestinians. Palestinian Ministry of Health statistic records more than 498 Palestinians killed as a result of Israeli military operations, altercations, or Palestinian assaults. There have also been multiple instances of Israeli settlers unleashing aggression on Palestinians.

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