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Till Lindemann has to cancel concert in Kassel

Lack of authorization

Is it just because of the permit that they won't let him sing in Kassel? Till
Is it just because of the permit that they won't let him sing in Kassel? Till

Till Lindemann has to cancel concert in Kassel

The show should have taken place on Saturday in Kassel. But because the authorities did not grant permission for the concert, Rammstein singer Till Lindemann had to cancel the performance as part of his solo tour at short notice. Was he not wanted in the city?

Rammstein singer Till Lindemann is currently traveling the country as part of a solo tour. This should have brought him to perform at the Eissporthalle in Kassel on Saturday. But this will not happen: the planned concert had to be canceled, as the organizer, MM Konzerte GmbH, announced.

"Lindemann is not coming to Kassel", it says on the organizer's homepage. They regret to announce "that the Till Lindemann concert planned for November 18 in the Nordhessen Arena Kassel has been canceled at short notice". The reason for the decision was the lack of approval from the city of Kassel.

According to the organizer, the permit had been applied for on 10 October, together with a set-up plan. However, the application was apparently not processed until the beginning of November. Following a corresponding request from the authorities, further documents were submitted last Tuesday. According to MM Konzerte, these included "requirements that were not to be fulfilled by the organizer, but related to the structural conditions of the Nordhessen Arena".

Insufficient fire protection?

Nevertheless, all the documents needed to meet the city's requirements were submitted on Tuesday. However, the administration was unable to "check the documents before the start of the event". According to the organizer, they "deeply regret this unfortunate situation". Ticket holders are asked to return the tickets they have already purchased to the advance booking offices, where they will be refunded.

According to the "Bild" newspaper, the city complained in particular about inadequate fire protection at the planned event. Lindemann fans now suspect, however, that this was just a pretext to stop the controversial singer's show in Kassel, especially as the hall regularly hosts games of the second-division ice hockey team Kassel Huskies.

"According to law and order"

MM Konzerte did not want to comment on this speculation, according to the "Bild" newspaper. However, a spokesperson for the city said in response to an inquiry: "A permit has been issued for regular events, i.e. sporting events where spectators are in the stands and few people are on the pitch. If a building is used for a different purpose than previously approved, a building permit is required." The fact that protests were expected from Lindemann critics on the fringes of the concert did not play a role in the decision: "The decisive factor was and is the question of whether the building can be approved in accordance with the law. The city does not currently have an application that is eligible for approval with all the necessary documents," said the spokesperson.

In the summer, accusations by female fans against Lindemann caused a stir. The singer denied all accusations. At the end of August, the Berlin public prosecutor's office closed an investigation against Lindemann. According to a press release, this had been initiated "due to complaints from third parties in connection with press reports. However, the statements made by witnesses in press reports had "not been confirmed by the investigations".

Despite the last-minute submission of required documents, the organizers could not secure approval for the Till Lindemann concert due to perceived insufficient fire safety measures. The cancellation of the rock music event at the Nordhessen Arena in Kassel was a significant disappointment for many fans eager to enjoy Lindemann's music entertainment.




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