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TikTok star reveals the baby's gender

Influencer Lisa Mantler has revealed to her Instagram community whether her first child will be a boy or a girl.

Influencer Lisa Mantler is expecting her first child.
Influencer Lisa Mantler is expecting her first child.

Lisa Mantler - TikTok star reveals the baby's gender

Over a year after their wedding, TikTok-Star Lisa Mantler (22) announced her pregnancy at the end of June. She and her husband Jonas Jay are looking forward to their first child. In an Instagram post, Lisa revealed the baby's gender.

A clip shows the couple opening a white box together from which blue balloons float. "What a special moment! It's important that our little one is healthy. I'm so excited that we're having a little boy, can't wait to meet him", she wrote in the caption and continued: "Jonas and I thought we were having a boy all along, but we didn't know for sure yet. I'm looking forward to getting to know our little boy soon", Mantler announced.

Only two family members were in the know

Before that, the influencer had already given a sneak peek of the garden ceremony for the gender reveal. Under the clip, she thanked her family and friends, "who were part of this special moment. I couldn't be more grateful to celebrate this moment with you all! Only our (she and her sister Lena, note from the editor) big sister and her husband knew the gender."

The pregnant woman announced her pregnancy on her official Instagram channel as well. "Family of 3 loading" (German: "Three-person family is loading"), Mantler wrote under a picture of her and her husband Jonas Jay. Both place their hands on Lisa Mantler's growing belly.

The TikTok influencer, who became famous together with her twin sister Lena in early adolescence, confirmed her wedding in March 2023 with loving pictures on her Instagram account. Shortly afterwards, in August 2023, Lisa and Lena Mantler announced their professional separation.

Lisa's sister Lena Mantler was one of the few family members who knew the baby's gender before the reveal. Lisa Mantler frequently shares updates about her pregnancy on both Instagram and TikTok. The announcement of the baby's gender on Instagram attracted congratulatory messages from Lisa Mantler's followers, including many fans of Lisa Mantler and her twin sister Lena.

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