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Tiffany Haddish rejects the accusations

At the end of November, comedian Tiffany Haddish was arrested and charged with drink-driving. She has now pleaded not guilty.

Tiffany Haddish allegedly fell asleep at the
Tiffany Haddish allegedly fell asleep at the

Indictment for drunk driving - Tiffany Haddish rejects the accusations

Tiffany Haddish (44) has denied allegations that she was driving drunk over the Thanksgiving weekend. The actress has pleaded not guilty to two charges following her arrest for drunk driving. This was reported by "People" magazine, among others.

Her defense attorney pleaded not guilty on behalf of the actress at the arraignment on Wednesday (20 December). An investigative hearing is scheduled for February 14, 2024.

Haddish was arrested and taken into custody in the early hours of November 24 in Beverly Hills, California, after allegedly falling asleep at the wheel of her stationary Tesla with the engine running on Beverly Drive. She was subsequently charged with two misdemeanors: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Driving with a Blood Alcohol Content of 0.8.

Second incident in two years

It is not the first incident of its kind: in January 2022, Tiffany Haddish was picked up by police officers in the US state of Georgia. At the time, she had fallen asleep at the wheel on Highway 74 and was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. She was subsequently charged with drunk driving and improperly stopping on the road and was eventually released after posting bail in the amount of 1,666 US dollars (around 1,500 euros).

In a recentinterview with "Entertainment Tonight", the actress and comedian announced her intention to get help and vowed: "This will never happen again." Regarding the latest incident, she explained that her Tesla had parked itself on the way home after she had fallen asleep, but was blocking part of the road.

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