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Three European nations - Norway, Spain, and Ireland - have acknowledged Palestine as a state.

Ireland's Prime Minister Simon Harris discusses a significant development. He severely rebukes Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu and thinks European countries should take more action.

Etliche Länder erkennen Palästina als Staat an. Das gilt jedoch nicht für die einflussreichsten...
Etliche Länder erkennen Palästina als Staat an. Das gilt jedoch nicht für die einflussreichsten westlichen Nationen wie die USA und Großbritannien sowie die Mehrzahl der EU-Staaten.

International Relations - Three European nations - Norway, Spain, and Ireland - have acknowledged Palestine as a state.

Ireland announced its recognition of a Palestinian state, joining Norway and Spain in this decision. The announcement came a week after the initial announcement by the government. Ireland stated that it recognizes Palestine as a separate and autonomous country, and intends to establish diplomatic relations with Ramallah. This move is hoped to spark renewed efforts toward a two-state solution in the Middle East conflict, where Palestine and Israel exist peacefully together.

Prime Minister Simon Harris emphasized the belief in a two-state solution as critical for the peaceful coexistence of Israel and Palestine. The Irish government intends to promote its representation in Ramallah to an embassy, with Palestine likely to reciprocate in Ireland.

Israel's government fiercely reacted against the plans and has called in the ambassadors of the three countries. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the recognition of Palestine as "rewarding terrorism." However, Harris defended the recognition by stating it was essential, as it demonstrates viable actions towards the goal of a two-state solution. He pointed out how others attempt to quash this hope at a time when such efforts are crucial.

Harris criticized Israel's response with statements like "A new horrific development is emerging - that something terrible is happening and the Prime Minister of Israel is saying it's a tragic mistake," citing recent tragic events, such as a deadly attack on humanitarian organization employees in April and the killing of children in a refugee camp in May. He concluded by asking, "What will the tragic mistake of June be? And what will the world do to prevent it?" Harris expressed his belief that Europe should take more action.

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