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Are the British royals not as nice as they are waving here?
Are the British royals not as nice as they are waving here?

This revelation could upset the royals

Omid Scobie, a confidant of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, has now written another book about the British royals. In "Endgame", there are some new upsets that do not show King Charles III, Prince William and Duchess Kate in a good light.

The lives of the British royal family are once again in the media spotlight at the moment: the final season of the Netflix series "The Crown" was launched with the events surrounding the death of Princess Diana, and the book "Endgame: Inside the Royal Family and the Monarchy's Fight for Survival" is also being published today, Tuesday. Author Omid Scobie, who is considered a confidant of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan, is causing quite a stir with his alleged revelations. British media such as The Sun and the Independent have already reported in advance on the biggest upsets that the journalist claims to have learned from within the palace walls.

At the coronation on May 6, 2023, Prince William moved the world when he kissed his father Charles III. But behind the scenes, things are said to be far from harmonious between the King and his successor. In his book, Scobie is reportedly referring to an alleged rift between the father and son duo. He describes William as an ambitious, hot-headed prince who has very different ideas about the future of the monarchy to Charles. The offices of the two are in constant competition, which could become a problem for "the firm" in the coming years.

However, royal experts have denied these claims in recent days. Author Phil Dampier, for example, told The Sun: "It is utter nonsense to suggest that William and the King would ever come to blows." The two are therefore "incredibly close". Omid Scobie takes a completely different view: he claims that father and son are mainly united in their disappointment with Prince Harry.

William does not want to reconcile with Harry

The royal family's rift apparently plays a major role in the book. And according to Omid Scobie, the rift will never be mended. According to the author, this is mainly down to William, who no longer wants to reconcile with his younger brother. William is convinced that Harry is being brainwashed by an "army of therapists": "He feels he has lost Harry and doesn't want to know this version of him anymore," he quotes a source close to the heir to the throne.

He also writes that Harry was allegedly downright ignored by William in the Queen's final hours. According to the book, the heir to the throne left him alone to organize the journey to Balmoral. Harry is also said to have received the death notice not from his family, but via Meghan, who had seen the news on a BBC breaking news bulletin. The fact that he only found out about the sad news when the world had already been informed is said to have left him "devastated". A friend of the Duke of Sussex is said to have told the author: "His relationship with the Queen was everything to him. She would have wanted him to know before it went out to the world."

Racism scandal even bigger

In March 2021, Harry and Meghan alleged in an interview with Oprah Winfrey that a member of the royal family had expressed concerns about his skin color before the birth of son Archie. The way this was handled is another scandal: since then, no one except Charles is said to have raised the issue with them. "The silence has caused great confusion and upset," Scobie quotes a source close to the Sussexes. He also claims that Meghan has accused not one, but two people at court of making racist remarks.

Kate likes to gossip about Meghan

Not only the relationship between the brothers, but also between their wives is said to be even worse than previously known. Citing several sources, Omid Scobie claims that Kate has never been a fan of Meghan. The relationship is said to have been "frosty" from the start. One person even told him that the Princess of Wales "spent more time talking about Meghan than with her". The former actress was seen as difficult at the British court "because she had an opinion". In contrast, Kate has "successfully sublimated her authentic self and has become an enigma to the public and perhaps even to herself". She had honed her rhetoric in "several rounds of language lessons" to such an extent that she now sounded "more genteel" than her husband.

Charles continues to support Andrew

Does Charles love his little brother Prince Andrew more than his youngest son Harry? According to the reports, Scobie also makes this claim. Because although Andrew has publicly fallen out of favor because of his links to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, the king still has a soft spot for his brother and, in the midst of the scandal, was particularly worried about how Andrew was coping mentally. "Charles had tears in his eyes because he feared for the mental health of the shamed duke," it says in the book. Charles, for example, did not want Andrew to be stripped of his titles and forced to resign as a working royal. The fact that he even offered his brother Harry and Meghan's former home, Frogmore Cottage, as a residence despite the scandal was the "final blow" for the Duke and Duchess. It was "undoubtedly" a swipe at Harry and Meghan, says Omid Scobie.


