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This is what young people focus on when planning

Who would have thought it? Tips from travel influencers are less important to Gen Z than recommendations from their personal environment.

Gen Z always has their smartphone with them on vacation: after all, they have to capture
Gen Z always has their smartphone with them on vacation: after all, they have to capture their travel experiences for Instagram and the

This is important to Gen Z when traveling - This is what young people focus on when planning

When traveling, Generation Z is primarily looking for authentic experiences and prefers to be inspired by their personal environment when planning and researching. This is despite the fact that they are used to having access to unlimited information via the internet. This is the conclusion of a new study by HolidayCheck, which surveyed 16 to 27-year-olds about their travel behavior.

Generation Z (Gen Z for short) comprises people born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s. This is the first generation to have grown up in a completely digitalized world. Nevertheless, according to the study by the rating and booking portal, half of those surveyed prefer to rely on tips from family and friends when planning their trip, as they find them particularly credible.

Gen Z also prefers destinations away from well-known destinations when traveling. However, there is no consensus among young people as to how sustainable travel planning is in some of the original locations: around half of them attach importance to environmental protection when planning their trip, while the other half consider this criterion less important.

Gen Z questions travel influencers

Online travel platforms and social media serve as a source of inspiration for 44% of participants. Inspiration from travel influencers comes off worst: around 70 percent strongly doubt the independence of influencers. Instead, Gen Z also values (online) travel agencies again - they are among the most credible sources in the HolidayCheck study with 75 percent.

The generation after the millennials is critical of what it sees on social media, but is represented on all popular platforms. Instagram, YouTube and TikTok play a particularly important role in travel planning. Although almost half (43%) doubt the trustworthiness of influencers, more than half of respondents also value them for valuable tips and insider information.

Instagram and TikTok create travel pressure for Gen Z

A third of the Gen Z study participants surveyed only consider a trip a success if they can also post content from their vacation on social media. Just under 70 percent stated that they specifically look for places to share on social media before setting off on their trip. However, 40 percent also feel under pressure to share impressions from their travels. In addition, around half feel pressure from social media to travel as much of the world as possible.

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